Google Brings Android 13's New Features To Phones That Don't Get OS Updates

JAKARTA - Google brings new features from Android 13 to older phones that haven't had an Operation System (OS) update in years on the Extension Software Developer Kit or SDK Extension.

With the developer's SDK Extension, it can use features like new Android 13 photo voters in apps running on several versions of Android 11 and Android 12.

In its official blog post, Google said the feature could expand the functionality support of certain platforms to existing Android versions. In addition, the company also appears to have a much larger plan with the SDK Extension, where they will bring Privacy Sandbox.

This update is also the basis for expanding the Privacy Sandbox test on Android," said Google spokesman Scott Westover.

Privacy Sandbox merupakan pengganti Google yang sedang dalam proses untuk sistem pem tracking adnya saat ini, dan perusahaan berencana meluncurkan versi beta untuk sistem tersebut di Android 13.

While Google isn't talking about backporting Privacy Sandbox to older versions of OS, it looks like the SDK Extension will help the company update Privacy Sandbox to a newer version of Android without having to issue a major OS update.

Launching The Verge, Tuesday, January 10, this is just Google's latest effort to ensure users can still get new features, even though their mobile phone maker company doesn't release software updates.

Recently with Android 10, Google also introduced Project Mainline, which is intended for some parts of the OS to be updated via the Play Store. Mainline itself follows Project Treble Android 8, which makes it easier for phone manufacturers to encourage updates.