Pre-Employment Cards Must Be ABLE To Print Competitive Manpower

JAKARTA - The Pre-Employment Card Program will be continued in 2023 with a normal scheme and an achievement target of up to 1 million beneficiaries.

This program will focus more on re-training and re-skilling efforts. The government also increased the minimum limit of the duration of training to 15 hours.

BRIN Employment expert Triyono assessed that it was very appropriate for the government to pursue the needs of workers in Industry 4.0.

The reason, he said, however, is that talking about the capacity of the workforce cannot be separated from the movement of the labor market.

"In the future, we must follow what is needed, for example in the IT field, big data, especially playing big data, this is a skill that can be prosecuted and provided in pre-employment cards," said Triyono in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 10.

Then, he continued, it was carried out in a normal scheme. This means that prioritizing skill improvements rather than social assistance (bansos) as well as face-to-face training, it is hoped that it will be more efficient.

Apart from face-to-face, said Triyono, of course the Pre-Employment Card program needs to be evaluated, how the private sector can see what types of work and types of training will be absorbed in the labor market.

Triyono emphasized that the Pre-Employment Card program must also be able to produce competitive Indonesian workers.

Moreover, he continued, there is a projected decline in world economic growth, which will more or less affect the affected industry.

Even though at the international level I saw a decline, Economic growth and then at the layoff level also threatened. I see that there is a need for skills to expand employment opportunities, but also open up new workspaces," said Triyono.

If the Pre-Employment Card participants can become entrepreneurs, continued Triyono, then the impact will be more pronounced because it opens up new jobs.

No Restrictions on Certain Capabilities

Segara Institute Executive Director Piter Abdullah assessed that the Pre-Employment Card is one of the few government programs that are well planned and implemented.

From my evaluation, the Pre-Employment Card is a little program that has been planned and implemented properly. The government just has to continue and improve on the good," he said.

The Pre-Employment Card Program, continued Piter, should not be limited by certain skills.

He suggested that the Pre-Employment Card improve participant skills in each type of training chosen.

The Pre-Employment Card Program is intended to improve the skills and competencies of workers both those who are already working and those who have not worked in all sectors. So it is not limited. All skills need to be strengthened. Pre-employment card participants are free to choose the skills they think are needed," he explained.

Piter explained that there is no connection between the skills that must be owned by workers and the global economic conditions. This means that the participants of the Worker Card program should choose the types of training according to their needs and desires.

It has nothing to do with economic conditions and the global impact. A worker can choose computer skills, other workers choose agricultural skills," he concluded.

For your information, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto revealed that the 2023 Pre-Employment Card Program targets an achievement of up to 1 million recipients.

The normal pre-employment card will focus more on re-training and re-skilling efforts.

In the initial stage, the budget will be allocated Rp2.67 trillion to reach the target of 595,000 people.

As for the remaining 405,000 targets, the government will propose an additional budget requirement of IDR 1.7 trillion.

"The Pre-Employment Card Program continues with the implementation of a normal scheme regulated in Presidential Regulation 113/2022 whose implementation rules are stated in the Permenko for the Economy 17/2022," said the Golkar chairman.