Christmas In Aceh Is Smooth, Christians Call Tolerance Well-Built

JAKARTA - Christians in Aceh admit that religious tolerance in the area nicknamed the Veranda of Mecca is well preserved. Even the Christmas service on December 25 in this Muslim-majority area did not experience any obstacles.

Reporting from the Ministry of Religion website, Baron F Pandiagan Catholic leader in Aceh said, based on reports from Christians in districts / cities in Aceh, they did not experience obstacles in carrying out Christmas services.

"As far as I have seen, the overall Christmas celebrations in Aceh are safe, comfortable and smooth," said Baron, Friday, December 25.

"Harmony between religious communities is still safe and comfortable," he added.

The same thing was conveyed by Christian leader Samarel. According to him, all Christians in Aceh carry out their Christmas services peacefully.

"I am grateful to all Acehnese people, the government, and figures who are very tolerant so that the Christmas service can be carried out well, safely, in an orderly manner. I hope that our tolerance will be maintained and maintained," he said.

A similar confession was made by the HKBP Banda Aceh Fieterson congregation. According to Fieter, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the implementation of Christmas services at the church must be divided into two times, morning and afternoon.

"Regarding the prohibition, there is absolutely none, most of all because of COVID, the Christmas service is divided into two, morning and afternoon," said Fieter.

"Regarding tolerance, we are all fine as a family in worshiping here, there are no obstacles," he continued.

It is known, religious harmony in Aceh has been built for a long time and is well maintained. Religious values that teach peace and mutual respect are the guidelines for the community there to create harmonious relations.

Even though it is a province with a majority of Muslims, the harmony that is built between Muslims and non-Muslims in Aceh takes place without any friction and conflict due to religious factors.

In accordance with the facts on the ground, the life of the religious community in Aceh is calm, there is almost no conflict between religious communities. The sense of tolerance among religious followers is well linked.