Ask For Cooperatives, KPK To Lawyer Lukas Enembe: Not Valid Submission About Suspects Out But Out Of Home

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has asked the legal team of Papua Governor Lukas Enembe to suggest that his client be cooperative. This step is considered more appropriate than those who provoke or give false information.

"The most important thing is how he gives the best legal advice to his client to be cooperative," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Tuesday, January 10.

The KPK reminded that legal counsel is a noble profession. Ali said they should be able to be the ones who provide a proportional defense.

The anti-corruption commission also regrets that Lukas' attorney actually conveyed things that were not true. "From the submission of invalid data information, about the suspect's illness but then leaving the house and friends have witnessed it," said Ali.

"Of course we really regret it," he continued.

Even so, the KPK does not want to talk much about the application of Article 21 of the Anti-Corruption Law which contains the obstruction to the investigation. Investigation is still being carried out to take further steps.

"Because if we talk about corruption, the typology is not only for example state losses, bribery, extortion. But there are other criminal acts of corruption, one of which is an allegation by deliberately obstructing the investigation and prosecution process," said Ali.

Lukas Enembe's lawyer, Michael Himan recently reminded the KPK to be careful about reactions that may arise related to the appointment of Lukas as a suspect in alleged bribery and gratification.

He claimed that currently many Papuans are closely guarding Lukas' residence. Thus, the KPK should take persuasive actions.

Not only that, another attorney, Petrus Bala Pattyona said his client had to be treated abroad because his condition was serious. However, this statement is inversely proportional to the fact that the number one person on Earth of Cendrawasih can inaugurate the government building.

For information, Lukas Enembe has been officially announced as a suspect by the KPK on Thursday, January 5. The announcement was made at the same time as the determination and detention of the Director of PT Tabi Bangun Papua Rijantono Lakka.

In this case, it is suspected that Rijantono could get a project because he colluded with several officials and Lukas Enembe before the project auction started. Communication is believed to be accompanied by the provision of bribes.

The agreement in the partnership between Rijantono, Lukas and other officials in Papua is to provide a fee of 14 percent of the contract value. Fee must be free from tax reduction.

At least, there are three projects that Rijantono got for this evil consensus. The first is the improvement of the Entro-Hamadi Road with a project value of Rp. 14.8 billion.

Then, the rehabilitation of facilities and infrastructure supporting PAUD Integration with a project value of IDR 13.3 billion. Finally, the venue environmental planning project developed outdoor AURI with a project value of IDR 12.9 billion.

After the project was won, Rijantono handed over Rp1 billion to Lukas. In addition, Lukas is also suspected of receiving gratuities of up to billions of rupiah.