South Korea Records An Increase In COVID-19 Cases In A Prison

JAKARTA - South Korea recorded the second highest daily increase of COVID-19 cases on Saturday, along with the increase in cases in a prison, nursing home, and church so that the relevant authorities must ask the public to postpone all year-end meetings.

The South Korean Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) reported that 1,132 new COVID-19 cases occurred on Friday, December 25, not far below the previous day's 1,241 cases, bringing the total to 54,770, with 773 deaths.

The current largest cluster is a prison in eastern Seoul. At the prison, 514 prisoners and employees have been infected, so health authorities are carrying out detection tests on everyone there.

A health official said the virus tends to spread easily because the prison is made up of five tall buildings and is overcrowded.

"This virus spreads whenever and wherever he wants," said Health Minister Kwon Deok-cheol in an inter-agency meeting reported by Antara, Saturday. He added that many were infected in small gatherings with friends or acquaintances.

"While we are at a crossroads to the third wave, how we can stop the spread (of the virus) depends on how we go about the end of the year and this new year," said Kwon.

The government will hold a meeting on Sunday to discuss whether they need to tighten distance restrictions to the highest level for the capital city of Seoul and beyond.

At the highest level, around 1.2 million shops will close and only employees in essential sectors will be allowed to go to work.

Currently, restrictions are placed on closing nightclubs, karaoke venues and other nightlife centers, as well as banning on-site dining after 9 p.m.

In the run-up to the Christmas and New Year holidays, the government has banned gatherings of more than four people in the Seoul area and beyond, and closed ski resorts and tourist attractions.