After Going To South Korea, Moeldoko Emphasized The Issue Of Maximum Protection

Jakarta - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko officially released the departure of 302 Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) with the destination country for the placement of South Korea through the Government to Government (G to G) scheme.

The release of PMI in the manufacturing and fisheries sector was carried out at the El Hotel Royale Jakarta Ballroom, Monday, January 9. Present at the event were Head of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) Benny Ramdhani and Deputy III KSP Edy Priyono.

Moeldoko said PMI's departure to South Korea was a good start for increasing labor cooperation, both with Korea and with other countries.

He also hopes that BP2MI will not stop until departure. But also during the placement and even after returning to Indonesia.

"We don't want any citizens to be injured. Protection must be carried out properly. For that everything must be prepared properly," said Moeldoko.

The 2013-2015 TNI Commander views that BP2MI has made many changes in providing protection for Prospective Indonesian Migrant Workers (CPMI). Both protection before work, while working, and after work.

"What has been done by BP2MI must be really guarded. Do not let inequality appear in the field. BP2MI also does not lose to naughty agents," he exclaimed.

On that occasion, Moeldoko also ensured that the government through the Presidential Staff Office and Ministries/Institutions was formulating a scheme for sorting the placement costs and pre-placement of CPMI whose burden was not only borne by PMI candidates and employers. But also by the government and other non-binding financial sources.

He gave an example regarding the social and health security that will be communicated with BPJS Kesehatan, passport matters will be communicated with the Directorate General of Immigration, and health checks with the Ministry of Health. "The point is not to let the departure and placement of CPMI burden workers," said Moeldoko.

For information, the departure of 320 PMIs to South Korea was carried out in two stages. The first departure was carried out on Monday night January 9, and phase two on Tuesday morning January 10.

Based on BP2MI data, in the period 2021-2022 there were 270 thousand CPMI dispatched to 77 placement destination countries. From this placement, the number of foreign exchange received by the state was IDR 159.6 trillion.

Before closing his remarks, Moeldoko also advised PMI to maintain the honor of the state and reflect the values of Indonesia. "Work with dedication to the work charged. Don't run away again," he ordered.