Kominfo And Facebook Clean Up Corona Virus Hoax
JAKARTA - The spread of the Corona virus outbreak is increasing every day. Likewise with people who received disinformation related to the 2019-nCoV virus, this hoax news was deliberately spread by irresponsible individuals to spread fear.
It is known, until February 3, 2020, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) has found 54 lists of false information, which are distributed directly through social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp instant messages. As a result, not a few people are consumed by this information and pass it on to others, also causing excessive concern.
"Cyber drones received 54 hoaxes and disinformation. One was carried out on May 6, 2019 regarding dates that must be washed clean because they contain the corona virus. Meanwhile, the other 53 were distributed January 23 to today," said Minister of Communication and Information, Jhonny G Plate during a press conference Monday, February 4.
However, after discovering these hoaxes and disinformation, Kominfo did not immediately block the 54 content. Plate argued that he wanted to categorize the content first.
"We give labels, not directly take them down, categorized as hoaxes and disinformation. And these will all be circulated on the Communication and Informatics channel," said Plate.
Kominfo also emphasized that anyone who spreads hoaxes or disinformation will be threatened with sanctions. This provision is contained in Law Article 28 Paragraph 1 of Law No.11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Transaction Information (UU ITE).
If there is a violation, the sanctions are subject to sanctions as stipulated in Article 45 A Paragraph 1 of Law No.19 of 2016, with a maximum penalty of six years imprisonment and / or a maximum fine of Rp1 billion.
"Then we can continue to bring it to the realm of law. The highest stage we can currently do is block it, if there is anything worse we will hand it over to the police or the prosecutor's office for further processing," said the Director General of Informatics Applications (APTIKA) Kominfo. , Samuel Abrijani Pangerapan.
As the Minister of Communication and Information hopes, he is urged that the public is not consumed by false information sent in the form of forward or other people's posts. First, you must check the correctness of the information before reading it.
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter block Coronavirus disinformation
Furthermore, it is not only Kominfo that is now preoccupied with the Corona virus hoax outbreak. The largest social media networks in the world, namely Facebook and Instagram, also do not hesitate to delete posts containing disinformation related to the corona virus.
Launching The Verge, this policy applies to both Mark Zuckerberg's social media to minimize misinformation about the corona virus. Even Facebook will not hesitate to delete and block access to user accounts that spread false information. Not only that, hashtags (hashtags) that are used to spread misinformation will also be blocked and restricted.
In addition to removing harmful content related to the Corona virus, Facebook has also said it will limit the spread of misinformation with a prior fact check. This will let people know that the information may not be accurate.
Facebook will also attempt to direct users to accurate information by placing messages at the top of Facebook's News Feed, or providing pop-up options when people perform certain searches. Facebook will also bring up certain hashtags on Instagram.
Keeping People Safe and Informed About the Coronavirus https://t.co/DZ1R5EMr3u
- Facebook Newsroom (@fbnewsroom) January 31, 2020
Likewise with Twitter, which also took steps to fight hoaxes on its platform. The company announced that it will prevent automated search results that tend to redirect individuals to untrustworthy content. Likewise, using search to direct users to official information from organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
"We have launched a new custom search query to ensure that when you come to the service for information about #coronavirus, you will be met with credible and authoritative information first," Twitter said in a statement.
Twitter also reported that there were more than 15 million tweets related to this issue in the last four weeks. Therefore, Twitter continues to strive so that the spread of hoaxes or disinformation on its platform does not mushroom.
The following is hoax news circulating regarding the Corona Virus:
1. Dates Must Be Washed Clean Because They Contain Corona Virus Originating and Bats
2. There is a Dangerous Virus in Dr. Sardjito Hospital
3. Corona Virus Allegedly Has Spread and Entered Indonesia in the BRI Building
4.Coronavirus Has Been Entered in Jakarta_ 1 Patient at RSPI Sulianti Saroso Jakarta is being isolated
5. People Infected with Corona Virus at Wahidin Hospital Makassar
6. Unusual panic of Chinese people due to #VirusCorona
7. Foreigner from China Affected by Corona at Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya
8. Patient Aged 7 Months Dies of Corona Virus at RSUD DR. Soetomo
9.Coronavirus can be prevented by regularly drinking water and keeping the throat moist
10. Bat Soup Cause Corona Virus
11. Corona Virus Vaccines already exist and were developed previously
12. Just came from Malaysia, a patient died suddenly suspected of having the Corona Virus
13. Corona patients at Dr Moewardi Solo Hospital
14. Healing Corona Virus with Garlic
15. Xiaomi cell phones made in China can transmit the corona virus
16. Victim Died of Corona Virus in Singapore
17.Coronavirus Deliberately Spread by the Chinese Regime to Eradicate Muslims in Wuhan
18. Passenger Died Due to Coronavirus at Terminal 3 of Soekarno Hatta Airport
19. Patients with Corona Virus at RSHS Bandung
20. Corona Virus Has Entered Palembang
21. Patients with Corona Virus at Tarakan Hospital
22. Death Toll in Wuhan Due to Corona Virus Reaches Ten Thousands
23. Jokowi: Corona virus drinking Bodrex for 5 minutes healed immediately
24. Photo of a corpse lying on the streets of Wuhan City which is called a Corona Virus Victim in China
25. Allegedly Infected with Corona Virus. One patient from Doris Sylvanus Hospital was isolated
26. Three Chinese TKA PT IWIP Died Due to Corona Virus
27. Video of the Seconds of Residents Affected by the Corona Virus at the Lombok Shopping Center
28. Corona Virus Attacks Shah Alam Selangor
29. A Patient Exposed to Corona Virus at Siloam Hospital, Jember
30. Patient at Zainoel Abidin Hospital in Banda Aceh is Positive for Corona Virus
31. Kanujoso Hospital Balikpapan Receives Corona Positive Patients
32. A resident in Depok Isolated because he is suspected of being infected with the Corona Virus
33.Coronavirus Was First Discovered in Saudi Arabia
34. The President of China Announces Corona Virus Has Become Epidemic and Asked the Prayers of Muslims
35. Corona Virus is a Biological Weapon Leaking from the Wuhan Laboratory
36. CHINA Has Just Built A 57 Floor Hospital
37. The Wuhan Corona Virus is the Result of the Marriage of the Bat Virus and the Pig Virus
38.Coronavirus is suspected of popping up in the Wuhan market selling various outdoor animals
39. The news of a positive corona patient at the Columbia Asia Hospital in Medan comes from Prof. Delfitri Munir, DR. Dr. Sp ENT-kl.
40. The Iqro Book has long predicted the occurrence of the Corona Virus
41. Residents of Jombang are Affected by Corona Virus
42. Corona Virus Patients Have Been Entered at Rabain Hospital
43. Corona Virus Can Be Contagious Through Free Fire Games
44. Indonesian Students in Wuhan Cannot Leave Their Rooms
45. Positive Patient with Corona Virus Suspect in Singkawang
46. Corona Virus Patients at RSUD Dr. Iskak Tulungagung
47. Wuhan Residents Screaming Crazy
48. 5 Positive Patients Affected by Corona Virus in Semarang and 1 Person Died
49. Corona Virus Has Entered Pekanbaru
50. Corona Virus Patients at Bahteramas Hospital
51. Corona Virus Can Spread Through Eyes
52. Two Lion Air Passengers Died of Corona Virus
53. Ablution Can Destroy Corona Virus
54. China Reported Covertly Cremation of Corona Virus Victims