Imbas Case Of Toxic Food Chiki Ngebul In Tasikmalaya-Bekasi, Natuna Falls Health Office Watchs Sales At Schools

NATUNA - The Natuna District Health Office (Dinkes) in Riau Islands Province oversees the sale of snacks in the school environment to prevent hawker trade that could endanger the safety of children such as chiki nggebul.These snacks mix liquid nitrogen which gives rise to the effects of smoke and cold on food."The Health Office has a snack food monitoring program, which takes precedence in the school canteen or (traders) selling around schools every semester," said Head of the Natuna Hikmat District Health Office, Aliansyah in Natuna, quoted from Antara, Monday, January 9.Supervision of food sales, including snacks and children's snacks, in stalls and shops outside the school is carried out by the drug and food control center."Until now, specifically for nitrogen chiki snacks, no one has been found (sold)," he said.Supervision of child hawker sales was increased following cases of poisoning in children who consumed chiki ngbul in Tasikmalaya and Bekasi areas in West Java Province.The Natuna District Health Office asked the health centers in their area to increase supervision of hawker sales in the school environment and to intensify counseling on food safety.Head of the Ranai Health Center Nazri said that puskesmas officers had been monitoring and had not received reports regarding the sale of "chiki ngbul" or cases of poisoning for consuming the snacks." pemeriksaan dan pembinaan ada di bawah puskesmas. Sampai saat ini belum ada (kasus) 'chiki nitrogen' di Ranai, semoga saja tidak ada," katanya.He said that the puskesmas also conducts counseling to schools regarding healthy and safe food and snacks.