ID FOOD Invites All Joint Parties To Advance Indonesian Food

JAKARTA - One year already BUMN Food Holding ID FOOD plays a role in building an integrated upstream food ecosystem. ID FOOD also invites all parties, both the community and joint entrepreneurs to advance Indonesian food.

President Director of Food Holding ID FOOD, Frans Marganda Tambunan said that ID FOOD continues to transform and innovate food in the country.

In upstream food, said Frans, ID FOOD synergies stakeholders have contributed through the Prosperous Program until 2022 with the realization of planting an area of 326,622 hectares, involving farmers around 173,486 people through several commodities such as rice, sugar cane, corn, palm oil and coffee.

In addition, downstream food, various corporate activities in strengthening the national food ecosystem have been carried out in 2022 through a commitment to food distribution.

One of them is a commitment to maintain food availability of cooking oil commodities by distributing around 90.56 million liters of cooking oil at 6,500 location points in Indonesia.

"Thank you for your words, support and hope to ID FOOD, according to the theme carried out on the first anniversary, we invite the entire community, food business actors can collaborate together in advancing Indonesian food," said Frans in an official statement, written Monday, January 9.

Meanwhile, Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo hopes that SOE ID FOOD can continue to collaborate with the Ministry of Agriculture. According to him, ID FOOD has an important role for agriculture, because it is part of the agricultural ecosystem.

"Tourism is not only cultivated, agriculture is in the post, agriculture is in the industry, and processing it, agriculture is in the market, and ID FOOD is in all places," said Minister SYL.

The words and hopes for ID FOOD also came from the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, who hoped that BUMN ID FOOD could promote synergy and collaboration to provide national food security.

"And improving the welfare of food people in Indonesia, especially fishermen and cultivators as the main actors in the marine fisheries sector," he said.

In addition, the Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan also encouraged the role of BUMN Food Holding ID FOOD in order to strengthen the food supply chain in the country.

As a joint effort to advance Indonesian food, another hope for ID FOOD was also conveyed from the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Nadiem Makarim.

Nadiem advised BUMN ID FOOD to strengthen cross-sectoral collaboration to develop a research ecosystem in the food sector.

"Entering the 1st year of age, I hope ID FOOD can become a collaboration partner for campuses in Indonesia, to jointly conduct quality research and produce innovation in the food sector," said Minister Nadiem.

Meanwhile, Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita hopes for ID FOOD to be able to increase cooperation with various parties so as to be able to realize food self-sufficiency missions in Indonesia.