Christmas And New Year Holidays, Thousands Of People Traveling Through Juanda Airport In Surabaya And Kualanamu Medan

JAKARTA - A total of 155,893 passengers were recorded traveling through Juanda International Airport in Surabaya in Sidoarjo, East Java, during the past week.

Acting General Manager of Juanda International Airport, Indah Preastuty, Friday said that the number was dominated by 85,685 arriving passengers and 70,208 departing passengers.

"Until the seventh day of the Posko for Christmas and New Year (Nataru), there were 155,893 passengers traveling through Juanda International Airport," he said as quoted by Antara, Saturday, December 26.

Of that number, the peak of passengers during the Christmas holiday period occurred on Wednesday, December 23, which was 25,676 passengers.

"On average, Juanda International Airport serves 22 thousand passengers per day. Meanwhile, the most routes flown during the Nataru Post are Jakarta, Makassar and Bali," he said.

Before the pandemic, he said, during peak seasons like this Juanda Airport could serve 50 to 52 thousand passengers per day.

He said that the enactment of rapid antigen and PCR tests during the Nataru holiday per December 22 made the airport look quite congested because some prospective passengers were not fully aware of the changes.

"So that on that day there was congestion in two locations, namely the rapid test service area and flight customer service," he said.

However, he said, the congestion was resolved quickly and safely thanks to the good cooperation of all parties, including the Indonesian Navy Security Guard.

"The airline also responded quickly to the situation at that time by providing a solution in the form of an opportunity to refund or reschedule to prospective passengers," said Indah. In addition, he continued, service users also understand the change in flight conditions.

Although the peak of passenger movement has been passed, his party is still on standby to serve the New Year's holiday, whose peak is expected to occur on Sunday, January 3, 2021 with a prediction of 24 thousand passengers.

His party also consistently implements health protocols in all areas of Juanda International Airport.

"The health protocols that we have implemented include checking the body temperature of passengers and airport officials, providing hand sanitizer, setting seat restrictions in the waiting room, installing boundary signs to maintain distance, mandatory wearing masks, and announcing an appeal to carry out health protocols. "he said.

Christmas at Kualanamu

While airplane passengers on Christmas Day 2020 at Kualanamu International Airport, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province, are estimated to reach nearly 15,300 people using various flights.

Acting Manager of Branch Communication & Legal Angkasa Pura (AP) II, Paulina Simmbolon, in Deli Serdang, Friday, said the passengers who arrived at Kualanamu Airport came from various regions in the country, both from Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua, NTB. , Pekanbaru and Batam.

He said the passengers came to celebrate New Year 2021 in their hometown.

"When the passenger arrives at Kualanamu Airport, the letter validation of the results of the COVID-19 test, both rapid antigen and PCR tests, is carried out by officers of the Port Health Office of the Ministry of Health," said Paulina.

On Thursday 24 December, just before Christmas, the flow of passengers going back and forth at Kualanamu International Airport, Deli Serdang Regency, reached around 18,000 people with 160 flights.

In facing the increasing number of passengers, he said, all staff at Kualanamu Airport have increased the readiness and readiness of personnel.

In addition, aircraft service users are advised to pay attention to flight requirements, including those that apply in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to support the smooth running of the flight process.

Prospective aircraft service users are also advised to continue implementing 3M, namely maintaining a distance at each point, using a mask, and frequently washing their hands using soap and running water.