Operation Liong Kapuas, Singkawang Police Involve 700 Joint Personnel To Joint Chinese New Year And Cap Go Meh

Singkawang Police Chief AKBP Arwin Amrih Wientama said 700 officers would involve members of the police, assisted by the TNI and members of the local mass organization in supporting the security of Chinese New Year and Cap Go Meh 2023 activities in Singkawang City."For security, we will hold Operation Liong Kapuas which starts from the Chinese New Year celebration to the Cap Go Meh Festival from January 20 to February 6, 2023," he said in Singkawang, quoted from Antara, Sunday, January 8.Especially on the night of the Lampion and the ritual of washing the streets of the tatungs, his party will deploy as many as 700 personnel assisted by the TNI, related agencies, community organizations and committees."Security is carried out so that the Chinese New Year and Cap Go Meh celebrations can run safely, smoothly and conducively," he said.Because, he continued, without the role of forkopimda, community leaders and committees, his party as security would not be able to work optimally."So there are plans for us to hold cross-sectoral coordination meetings and conduct security simulations for the Laspion parade and Cap Go Meh. We will even hold a Tactics for Games," said Arwin.He hopes that the implementation of the 2023 Lunar New Year and Cap Go Meh in Singkawang City can run smoothly without obstacles, so that the Chinese community can celebrate it with joy, considering that this activity has not been carried out for two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.