This Is Why Robert Plant Allows School Of Rock Use The Song Led Zeppelin, Immigrant Song

JAKARTA - Led Zeppelin vocalist Robert Plant revealed the reason why he gave permission for the film School of Rock, played by Jack Black, using the song Immigrant Song.

In a recent interview with Culture, Plant said that the song was not a holy object, and was indeed to be shared.

Plant said, "My response is: Why not? Our song doesn't come from my stomach. I like the idea of bringing this song to another era."

"It's a deadly guitar riff. It's a shame Immigrant Song isn't easy for kids to play. Talk, everyone understands, old and young. It's a great song," added Plant. "Not only a little ridiculous but also ridiculous. Considering we wrote it in the air when we left Iceland - an amazingly inspiring show and adventure, beyond that no books will be written. Giving it to the kids is important. Send it, send it, and keep sending it."

Plant then praised Black's performance and the accessibility of the film.

"All my grandchildren can play Jack Black's riffs. I think it's the right thing to do, with the School of Rock, to blow up our myths into the sky, meanwhile. Because it's all just a myth. No problem. I've watched the film and thought it's funny."