Expert Staff To The Governor Of West Sumatra: In Some Areas There Are Regent Blocks And Deputy Regent Blocks

The regents and deputy regents in the West Sumatra region are asked to be solid in their work. This is to support regional development to run well.

This was conveyed by the Expert Staff of the Governor of West Sumatra, Jasman while attending the Plenary Meeting of the South Solok DPRD with the agenda of the 19th Anniversary of South Solok Regency, Saturday, January 7.

He gave an example of the Regent and Deputy Regent of South Solok who were always alone. This shows the solidarity between the two.

"This can be an example of a regional head pair in West Sumatra," said Jasman, as quoted by Antara.

"We can see that in some areas there are blocks. These are the regent's blocks, and this is the deputy regent's block. This condition will definitely hinder development," he continued.

Jasman then praised South Solok, who now no longer has a very lagging area and is lagging behind. However, he asked South Solok to jump higher and further so he could catch up and pass through other regencies/cities.

The man who was once the Acting Regent of South Solok said that the area has natural resources that have not been maximally explored.

"If it has been investigated, then South Solok can become the richest district in West Sumatra," he said.