Kaleidoscope 2020: Health Protocols Ignored, Laws Advance

JAKARTA - The year 2020 is just counting the days and changing to 2021. Throughout 2020, it can be said to be an unforgettable history for all parts of the world, including Indonesia. The cause is COVID-19. The virus, which was first discovered in China, is growing rapidly in 2020.

Early 2020, to be precise in March, the government announced the findings of the first virus. This virus continues to grow like wildfire in the forest in the dry season. The government was a little hesitant about taking the decision to suppress this virus. Economic factors are the cause.

In the end, the central and local governments took steps to prohibit people from doing outdoor activities. This rule refers to Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine.

Jakarta had implemented strict large-scale social restrictions (PSBB). At this time, there are no activities outside the home. Almost all offices are off. The goal is to reduce the spread of the virus. Finally, the PSBB was relaxed as it is today. The community is allowed to carry out activities. But still strictly enforce health protocols.

Initially all went well, only minor offenses were found and could be resolved with penalties and fines. During this time, community adherence to health protocols began to decline.

They don't seem to care about the safety of others, even their own families. This is because they are still active outside the room on the grounds of looking for sustenance for the family. The rate of violations is increasing. Law enforcement is put forward. The goal is to protect the community. Moreover, President Jokowi has emphasized that health is the main thing.

Referring to the police prosecution data, 34 cases of violating health protocols occurred during 2020. In fact, 91 people were named as suspects.

The National Police Chief, General Idham Azis, said that the dozens of cases handled had caught various groups. Whether it's ordinary citizens to state officials.

"Law enforcement on 34 cases of violating health protocols with 91 suspects," said Idham.

Dozens of violations are not ordinary. Because, many violations also occurred during the 2020 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) simultaneously. However, these violations continued to occur. Action will continue until Indonesia leaves the COVID-19 pandemic.

Health Protocol Violation Cases Stand Out

Looking at the past few months, there have been several cases of violation of health protocols that are quite prominent. For example, the wedding party of a member of the National Police, namely the former Kembangan Police Chief, Kompol Fahrul Sudiana.

He held a wedding reception at Hotel Mulia, on March 21, 2020. In fact, at that time he was entering the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, the National Police Chief has issued an announcement number Mak / 2/2020 concerning Compliance with Government Policy in Handling the Spread of the Corona Virus (COVID-19).

For the sake of health, the police do not discriminate. He was also examined by the Professional and Security Division (Propam) Polda Metro Jaya. The result was that Kompol Fahru Sudiana was found guilty. "The results of the Polda Metro Jaya propam violated discipline, said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus, Thursday, April 2.

Fahru Sudiana was later removed from his position as regional leader at the sub-district level. In fact, overseeing all of his behavior he was placed in Polda Metro Jaya for a while. The transfer of duties to him is contained in a Telegram letter numbered ST / 297 / IV / KEP / 2020 dated April 1, 2020.

Six months later, there was another violation of the health protocol by state officials. This time, Deputy Chairman of the DPRD Tegal Wasmad Edi Susilo became the perpetrator. Because during the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing by the government, he actually held a dangdutan event.

So, thousands of people poured out in the dangdut concert that was held at the South Tegal field, Tegal City on Wednesday, September 23 night. In fact, it is suspected that the concert did not have permission from the police.

The Directorate of Central Java Regional Police has intervened in handling cases of violation of this health protocol. Wasmad was examined intensively by the police. Until finally he was named a suspect.

In this case, investigators used Article 93 of Law number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine in conjunction with Article 216 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 65 Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

Despite being a suspect, Wasmad was not detained. The article used by the investigator did not meet the requirements to detain him. So, he can still be at home while following the proceedings of the case. "Not detained. One year threat regarding the Law on Quarantine," said Argo.

In fact, this case is already at the trial stage. The first trial of this case was held at the Tegal District Court, on Tuesday, September 17.

Furthermore, a case of prominent health protocol violations occurred at the end of 2020. This case involved the Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab. The following is a brief trip to the Rizieq Shihab case.

Apart from Rizieq Shihab, the Police have named five other suspects. Determination is named based on title pekara, evidence as well as examination of witnesses and experts.

The other five suspects include Haris Ubaidillah as committee chairman, Ali bin Alwi Alatas (committee secretary), Maman Suryadi (FPI commander and security officer), Sobri Lubis (person in charge of the event), and Idrus (head of the event section).

Even though they both have the status of a suspect, only Rizieq is charged with a different article. Investigators use the articles charged with Articles 160 and 216 of the Criminal Code. For Article 160 of the Criminal Code concerning incitement to violence and not complying with the provisions of the law, with the threat of six years in prison or a fine of IDR 4,500.

Meanwhile, Article 216 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code concerning obstructing provisions of the Law. The threat is imprisonment for four months and two weeks or a fine of Rp. 9,000.

However, for the other five suspects, investigators only used Article 93 of Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine. Under this regulation they are threatened with one year imprisonment or a Rp100 million fine.

Not much different, the process of investigating and investigating the crowd case in Megamendung handled by the West Java Regional Police also went through the same process. West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil was asked for an explanation regarding the PSBB policy.

Apart from that, other government officials and pesantren managers were also questioned. Until finally, the West Java Regional Police decided to upgrade the status of this crowd case from probe to investigation on November 26.

Head of West Java Regional Police Public Relations Kombes Erdi Chaniago said the increase in the status of this case was after his party examined dozens of witnesses and evidence. Until finally a criminal violation was found.

"We have advanced to the investigation stage, we have also made the sprinklers," he said.

But not long ago, the handling of this case was withdrawn by Bareskrim Polri. In fact, the case handled by Polda Metro Jaya was withdrawn.

Shortly after being delegated, Bareskrim Polri investigators named Rizieq Shihab as a suspect in the Megamendung crowd, Bogor, on December 23.

General Crime Recruitment for Bareskrim Polri Brig. Gen. Andi Rian said Rizieq was named a suspect based on three pieces of evidence and case titles.

"Yes, it has been (named a suspect)," said Andi.

In this case, the investigators applied a different article to the crowd case in Petamburan, Central Jakarta. Investigators fully use articles related to health quarantine.

In this case, the investigator used Article 14 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of Law Number 4 of 1984 concerning Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Article 93 of Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine, and Article 216 of the Criminal Code.

Apart from that, in this case only Rizieq was the suspect. The reason is, in the series of activities there is no committee. Thus, only Rizieq Shihab was responsible for the crowd.

"Evidence shows that Rizieq was responsible for causing a crowd," he said.

"There is no committee, there is no committee in the Megamendung (crowd)," Andi continued.

Until now, the investigation is still ongoing. In fact, Rizieq has also served a period of detention at the Naroko Polda Metro Jaya detention center for the next 20 days, starting from December 12 to December 31.

Several Officials Dismissed

The adverse effects of violating health protocols are not accepted only for those who do not. This is because several Polri officials and government elements were removed from their posts because they did not prevent these violations.

A clear example of dismissing an official can be seen clearly in the case that ensnared Rizieq Shihab. As a result of the violation of health protocols in Petamburan and Megamendung, two Polri Generals, Inspector General Nana Sudjana and Inspector General Rudy Sufahriadi were removed from their positions as Kapolda Metro Jaya and Kapolda West Java.

Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, said that the removal of the two generals was stated in the Chief of Police's Secret Telegram (TR) number ST 3222 / XI / Kep / 2020, November 16, 2020. In the warrant, Inspector General Nana was transferred as staff to the National Police Chief. Meanwhile, Inspector General Rudy Sufahriadi was transferred to the Education and Training Institute (Lemdiklat Polri).

"There are two police chiefs who do not carry out orders in enforcing health protocols, so they will be given sanctions in the form of dismissal, namely the Head of the Metro Jaya Police, then the West Java Regional Police Chief," said Argo.

Apart from the two Police generals, this problem also resulted in the removal of Bayu Megantara as Mayor of Central Jakarta and Head of the DKI Jakarta Environment Agency (LH). They were proven proven to have facilitated the crowd at the Prophet's birthday, which was held by FPI leader Muhammad Rizieq Shihab.

But their fate is still quite good. This is because DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan defended the two of them and appointed them to become members of the DKI Jakarta Governor's Team for the Acceleration of Development (TGUPP).

"After they were removed, the two of them were immediately transferred as members of the Governor's Team for the Acceleration of Development until there were further assignments," said Head of the DKI Civil Service Agency, Chaidir.

In this matter, the DKI Inspectorate as the supervisory party did not only examine Bayu and Andono. Several local officials were also investigated. They include the Head of Tanah Abang Sub-district Muhammad Yassin, Petamburan Village Head Setiyanto, Head of the Cleanliness Management Division of the Environment and Forestry Office Edy Mulyanto, Head of the LH Office, Central Jakarta Marsigit, and Head of the Cleanliness Control Section of the LH Service Aldi Jansen.

Based on the results of the investigation, it was found that the ranks of the sub-districts, sub-districts and the Environmental Service Office lent facilities belonging to the provincial government for mass gathering activities.

"This removal is based on the results of the DKI Jakarta Inspectorate audit which assessed that the two of them had been negligent and neglected by not obeying the direction and instructions from the Governor," said Chaidir.

"The problem is not just a matter of borrowing, but about five clear and firm written directions from superiors that have not been implemented properly. They acknowledge and are subject to sanctions in accordance with existing regulations," he continued.

Apart from that, Sukana also experienced dismissal, who was previously the Head of the Tanah Abang Religious Affairs Office (KUA). This removal was based on the reason that he was considered to support the violation of health protocol by being the party who married Muhammad Irfan Alaydrus and Syarifah Najwa Shihab.

"Starting today, Sukana no longer has the mandate of additional duties as the Head of the KUA. Sukana has been transferred to the head of the Ministry of Religion in Central Jakarta," said the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance at the Ministry of Religion, Kamaruddin Amin.

In fact, Sukasana should have known the provisions for implementing the health protocol are clearly stipulated in the Circular of the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance of the Ministry of Religion Number: P-006 / DJ.III / Hk.00.7 / 06/2020 dated 10 June 2020 concerning Marriage Services Towards a Productive Society Safe COVID-19 19

With evidence of involvement, Sukana was transferred to become a leader in the Central Jakarta area.

"The Minister of Religion's directives are firm and clear. Negligence in its implementation will definitely be given firm action, because it can endanger the crowds in that place, and will also endanger children and their families at home when the virus is carried home," he said.

From a series of crowd problems related to Rizieq Shihab, at least five state officials were removed from their posts. So, it can be concluded that the violation of health protocols does not only have an impact on the medical side. Because, those who do not firmly prevent violations are also affected.