Different From The Others, Kendari Allows Restaurant To Open Until 2 AM On New Year's Day

KENDARI - The Government of Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi (Southeast Sulawesi) stipulates that every business activity, namely restaurants and nightlife spots, is allowed to operate until 02.00 WITA on January 1. Different from other areas that apply restaurant operating hours until 7pm.

"All places, be it restaurants, hotels, restaurants and entertainment that night New Year's Eve is only until two o'clock at night (operation)," said Kendari City Regional Secretary Nahwa Umar quoted from Antara, Friday, December 25.

Nahwa explained, based on the decision of the coordination meeting, it was also agreed that no crowds were allowed or carried out activities that gathered large numbers of people.

"In the first point of view, there are no crowds, no holding events that gather people, both Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve," Nahwa said.

In addition, at the meeting it was also agreed that the Kendari Bay Bridge would be temporarily closed for visitors. People are not allowed to enter the bridge area even if they are walking, it is only opened to pass by vehicle.

This closure is to prevent large-scale hassles on New Year's Eve, where it is predicted that the Kendari Bay Bridge will become the main destination for both metro residents and people from outside Kendari.

Because of that, the Kendariu Bay Bridge is closely guarded by the city government justice team. The guard has ensured that no traders or residents enter to wait for the second turn of the year on the bridge which has become a new icon in Kendari City.

Apart from the Kendari Bay Bridge, Nahwa continued, the "Kendari Beach" area will also be closed to motorists, both two-wheelers and four-wheelers. Meanwhile, swords selling merchandise are still allowed to carry out activities as usual.

"Then for" Kendari Beach "the end of each end will be closed, so no vehicles will pass. So traders sell as usual," he explained.

The provision for not creating activities that collect large numbers of people refers to the Circular of the National COVID-19 Handling Task Force, the Governor's Circular to the Kendari Mayor Regulation Number 47 of 2020 concerning health protocols.

With this reference, if there are residents who violate these provisions, the Yustisi team will take action in the form of social sanctions.

"So basically there is a circular letter from the Central Task Force Team, the Governor and we also have Perwali Number 47 Tanun 2020. So that is the basis for the Yustisi team to walk," said Nahwa.

Nahwa reminded business actors to pay attention to health protocols, considering that on New Year's Eve there will be many residents looking for business places such as restaurants or restaurants.