Aggregansi Oknum PNS Di Lebak Banten: Sudah Rusak Cor-coran Jalan, Pekerja Proyek Diniaya Sambil Acungkan Senjata Api

The viral street cowboy action was targeted by firearms (senpi) to residents on Jalan Raya Malingping, Bayah, Cigapan Village, Malingping District, Lebak Regency. Based on an investigation conducted by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Lebak Police, the perpetrator is an individual civil servant (PNS) who lives in Cijaku District, Lebak Regency, Banten.

The Head of the Lebak Police of the Banten Police, AKBP Wiwin Setiawan, explained that based on the video circulating and reports from residents, his party immediately conducted a search for the perpetrators. And finally arrested last Thursday, January 5.

"The perpetrator has the initials SM (42), a civil servant. We have secured it along with evidence in the form of an Austrian 9x19 airsoftgun type clock Number 319," said Wiwin in a written statement, Friday, January 6.

Wiwin said, the perpetrator did not only abuse weapons, he also abused the road casting project worker on Monday, January 2, at around 11.30 WIB.

"Initially, the perpetrator was driving a car from the direction of Malingping. Right on Jalan Raya Malingping Bayah, Cigapan Village was casting a road. Then the perpetrator used his vehicle to drive to the right at high speed and the car tire driven by the perpetrator SM fell into the castings, so the perpetrator approached the victim HS and carried out the persecution," said Wiwin.

After carrying out the persecution, continued Wiwin, the perpetrator took an airsoftgun type weapon that was stored in the perpetrator's car. He immediately pointed the weapon up.

"The perpetrator hit several residents who were going to intervene, because of fear that the residents had withdrawn," added Wiwin.

To account for his actions, SM is subject to Article Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 1951 or Article 335 of the Criminal Code or Article 351 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code with the threat of life imprisonment, or imprisonment of up to 20 years.