Proyek Perumahan Di Candi Gebang Makan Korban, Pemkab Sleman Call Pengembang PT Sumber Baru

SLEMAN - The Government of Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region invited PT Sumber Baru as the developer of a housing project in Gebang Temple, Wedonartani after a landslide in the dug ground. This incident resulted in the death of two workers and two others being injured."Today, the Sleman Investment and One Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP) has invited the developer. We ask for information regarding the incident and how it is completed," said Sleman Regent Kustini Sri Purnomo in Sleman, Antara, Friday, January 6.The housing talut construction project in Wedomartani Village, Ngemplak, Sleman experienced a landslide last Monday afternoon. As a result, four project workers were buried by landslides, two people were reported to have died and two people were injured.PT Sumber Baru has resolved the incident with the victim's family. PT Sumber Baru has also consulted with the related Sleman Manpower Office for employment affairs."There has been a peace agreement with the victim's family, and it has been given compensation as well. It can be completed," he said.The Sleman Regency Government has also asked developers to pay more attention to Work Safety Health (K3) in the future."We also ask for the implementation of communication/consulting development with technical agencies," he said.He hopes that such work accidents will not be repeated in Sleman, besides that development work is expected to prioritize safety and pay attention to the current natural conditions."My hope is that there will be no (events, ed.) anymore. I have to be more careful, especially about the weather. We will face extreme weather, so I urge all work to be vigilant," he said.Previously, it was reported that seven workers in the housing construction project were buried by the soil due to the excavation of a six-meter-deep landslide. The incident on Monday (2/1) afternoon began when seven project workers carried out ground excavations for the construction of talud.However, due to unstable and sandy soil conditions, suddenly a landslide hit the workers.Of the eight people, four workers were buried by landslides. Three workers were found by their colleagues, namely Karsono (50), a resident of Nglora, Saptosari, Gunungkidul Regency. Then another victim on behalf of and Karju (40), a resident of Nglora, Saptosari, Gunungkidul Regency died while being treated at the hospital.Another person on behalf of Dodi alias Tukiyo (53), a resident of Garotan, Semin, Gunungkidul was treated at Hermina Hospital, Depok, Sleman. Another victim named Surya (34), a resident of Bayat, Klaten, Central Java was found dead on Tuesday (3/1), after a search was carried out using heavy equipment.