Anticipate Extreme Weather, PLN Sends An Expedition Team For Strengthening Karimunjawa Electricity

PT PLN (Persero) cooperates with the Navy and the Central Java Provincial Government (Central Java Provincial Government) to send logistics needs in the form of equipment for Diesel Power Plants (PLTD) and an expedition team through the Makassar Indonesian Warship fleet (KRI) to Karimunjawa.

General Manager of PLN Central Java Distribution Main Unit and DIY Wahyu Jatmiko said, in this expedition, PLN sent 35 standby personnel, 2 generator units with a capacity of 50 kiloVolt Ampere (kVA), 5 generator units with a capacity of 100 KVA, 2 crane trucks, 1 operational vehicle, and 10 drums of oil for power plants.

"Hopefully, this expedition team can help strengthen Karimunjawa's electricity in the midst of extreme weather that hit," he told the media, Friday, January 6.

As is known, previously the extreme weather that hit the North Coast of Central Java also had a bad impact on Karimunjawa Island. This condition resulted in electricity in Karimunjawa experiencing disruption.

In addition, the presence of high sea waves also makes it difficult for access to logistics transportation in and out of the island, thus disrupting the delivery of fuel for the plant.

"With the delivery of electricity logistics this time, it is hoped that it can further strengthen the electricity system of Karimunjawa Island, so that the electricity is more reliable. My team and I will directly oversee the expedition and installation there later," continued Jatmiko.

Meanwhile, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said that this collaborative effort was a quick response to help the island of Karimunjawa in the midst of extreme weather that hit.

Karimunjawa residents still have to struggle with the tidal waves that occurred at the beginning of this year.

So that reliable electricity supply becomes very important for the community to continue their activities.

Therefore, he gave his appreciation to PLN and all parties who helped in strengthening electricity at P ulau Karimunjawa.

"PLN brings diesel backups so that later if there is a problem there, God willing, it can be handled by friends from PLN. So this is part of the way we solve (problems) in remote areas with weather conditions like this," said Ganjar.