The House Of Independence Fighters MH Thamrin Was Ransacked By The Secret Police Of The Dutch East Indies In History Today, January 6, 1941

JAKARTA History today, 82 years ago, January 6, 1941, the house of Indonesian freedom fighter Mohammad Husni Thamrin was searched by the Dutch East Indies Secret Police, PID. The search was carried out because Thamrin was considered to support radicals and cooperated with Japan.
Previously, Thamrin was one of the bumiputras who fought through the body' of the Dutch East Indies government. He became part of the Batavia People's Council (Volksraad). This power made Thamrin support the movement of other freedom fighters.
Thamrin's actions as a freedom fighter are considered unique. He dared to choose a different side from other fighters who chose the field of non-cooperative struggle. Alias the struggle for radical independence who did not want to cooperate with the Dutch at all.
Thamrin firmly chose his path as a cooperative fighter. He wanted to bring the agenda of the struggle of his people by being part of the Dutch colonialists as an official. For him, fighting from within the government actually has a great opportunity for success.
Even as a complement to the non-coorportatory struggle. Moreover, both are only tools to achieve the same dream: Indonesia is independent.
Thamrin's seriousness in improving the life of his people can be seen when he moves to become the Batavian City Council (now: Jakarta). He voiced many of his people's desire to be able to live a decent life. His action to defend the natives was even bolder when he became part of Volksraad.
This position allows Thamrin to help other freedom fighters on non-cooporative routes to move. Thamrin uses all of his power. From money to influence. Soekarno and Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo are the two freedom fighters he has ever helped.
The next Thamrin also wants to help two veterans of the national movement, namely Soekarno and Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo, one of whom lives in disposal in Ende, another in Banda Neira. In October 1937 against the representative of the government for general affairs, RGAZ Hartevelt with a letter from Soekarno, he asked to stay in a place not too far from Java.
According to Soekarno, Flores is outside the spiritual route, while a closer place to Java will open up the possibility for his wife to occasionally visit relatives without spending too much. Family contact as Soekarno wanted will have great benefits for his wife's mental atmosphere," said historian Bob Hering in the book Mohammad Hoesni Thamrin (2003).
Later, Thamrin was even more courageous in voicing independence for the bumiputras. He once refused to fly the Dutch flag on Queen Wilhelimina's birthday. He also often openly supports freedom fighters against the Dutch.
Moreover, Thamrin's action was considered by the government as a piece of technology that supports Japan in the archipelago. The assumption of treason was made directly to Thamrin. He is suspected of being a rebel. Moreover, the Dutch through PID conducted a forced search at Thamrin's house in Batavia on January 6, 1941. In fact, Thamrin was seriously ill at that time.
But moments before his death, the colonial government had taken a'very harsh' act against him. In a state of illness, he had to face the harsh treatment, namely his house was ransacked by Dutch secret police (PID). He protested it, but it was ignored."
Since then his house has been heavily guarded by PID and no one from his house has been allowed to leave the house without the police's permission, including his daughter who is still a child. Deece, as her son's name is, is also not allowed to leave his house, even to go to school. The actions of the Dutch police are of course very suppressing his feelings, and adding to his illness," said historian Anhar Gonggong in the book Muhammad Husni Thamrin (1985).