Enjoying Christmas In The Middle Of The COVID-19 Pandemic

JAKARTA - The safest way to celebrate the Christmas and New Year holidays this time is at home with the people who live with you. This was conveyed by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Research shows that nearly half of the people who catch COVID-19 don't experience any symptoms and because of this they may unwittingly spread it further.

If a person is unknowingly infected with COVID-19 and meets with family members or colleagues during the holidays, then he or she contributes to transmitting the virus including those who may be more vulnerable, such as older relatives or have existing chronic conditions such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

That's why the advice to enjoy this year's holiday is to stay away from social gatherings and only celebrate Christmas with people from home.

However, as quoted by Medical News Today from Antara Friday, December 25, for those of you who want to drive away silence, the CDC advises you to avoid meeting people who may already be at high risk of COVID-19, refrain from traveling to areas with a high number of COVID-19 cases. -19 increased.

Also, if possible, use private vehicles instead of using public transportation to avoid close contact with other tourists.

If you can't, obey the rules set by the mode manager. PT KAI Daop 1 Jakarta, for example, implements five special rules for prospective passengers during the 2020/2021 Nataru Transport Period, namely: showing an antigen rapid test certificate with negative results no later than 3 x 24 hours or D-3 before departure (children under age 12 years not required) or PCR Swab Test.

Then, obliging prospective passengers to have a healthy condition not suffering from flu, colds, coughs, loss of smell, diarrhea and fever with a body temperature of not more than 37.3 degrees Celsius.

They are also required to wear a three-layer cloth mask or medical mask covering the nose and mouth and use a face shield from the departure station on the way to the destination station and wear protective clothing (jacket or long sleeves).

"With the provision of conditions for long-distance train rides to show the results of rapid antigen tests, KAI provides a policy that passengers can cancel and change schedules with a grace period of 3 months and will not be subject to duties," said Head of Public Relations of PT KAI Daop 1 Jakarta, Eva Chairunisa in a broadcast written recently.

In addition, you should also avoid traveling with people who do not live with you to minimize the risk of exposure.

Lastly, it's important to get a flu shot to help prevent additional risks and get tested for COVID-19 both before and after traveling.

When you have to meet other people

Health experts remind you to wear a mask when in public places or around people who do not live with you, keeping a physical distance of 1-2 meters.

You also have to be diligent in washing your hands. Research shows that if more than half of people who travel wash their hands frequently (in the right way) then the spread of viral infections can slow down by about 70 percent.

If access to soap and water is limited or non-existent, the CDC recommends using a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol content.

If you need to attend a small gathering, make sure you and your host are familiar with health and safety measures from COVID-19.

From a cutlery standpoint, it's probably best to use disposable plates and cutlery and consider bringing your own food instead of sharing meals with other guests.

Then, in terms of the number of guests, ideally only in small numbers and coming from a location not far from the host's location, hold events outdoors but if indoors make sure the location is well ventilated.

It is also important to keep the surfaces of objects you touch and avoid singing or shouting to limit the emission of particles into the air.

The person who is sick is not allowed to attend the meeting and he can hold get-together via video chat instead.

In the end, this year's holiday you need to make the health of yourself and our loved ones a priority.