Moledoko Will Follow Up Complaints On The Impact Tragedy Of Aremania

Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko confirmed that he would immediately invite the Attorney General's Office and the Police to a coordination meeting regarding the continuation of the judicial process for the tragedy of Kanjuruhan, Malang, East Java, on October 1 last year.

The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) itself, on Thursday, January 5, received the arrival of a number of supporters of the Arema Football club (Aremania), the legal team and families of victims of the Kanjuruhan riots. Met by Moeldoko directly, the victim's family requested that the process of handling the law on the tragedy that killed 135 people be carried out in a transparent and fair manner.

"I make sure that KSP will hold a meeting with the Police and the Attorney General's Office regarding the handling of the Kanjuruhan case. I myself will chair the meeting later," said Moeldoko, at the Bina Graha Building.

Moeldoko also appreciated the arrival of the families of the victims and Aremania figures to KSP to provide input to the government. The retired TNI Commander emphasized that the government continues to be committed to a fair and sided law enforcement process for victims.

"I sympathize and care about the tragedy of Kanjuruhan. I am also grateful for the presence of friends who gave me input, so that KSP will try to find streets that support the struggle of victims and victims' families in getting justice," added Moeldoko.

Meanwhile, Djoko Tritjahjana as Aremania's legal team said that his party met Moeldoko because the efforts of the victims and their families to ask for justice from various parties continued to meet the deadlock.

The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) also hopes that this legal process ensures restitution or compensation given to victims. Even though the death cannot be replaced by the rupiah, at least the restitution can fulfill a little sense of justice for the victim and his family," said Antonius PS Wibowo, deputy chairman of LPSK after meeting Moeldoko.