Profile Of Dedy Yon Supriyono, Mayor Of Tegal Who Tuai Criticism After Goyang With Dangdut Singer Ghea Youbi

The circulation of a viral video of Mayor Tegal, Dedy Yon Supriyono, menutai kritikan scathing ole netizen lender ada remantan video dirinya yang tengah funng menggoyang bersama biduan seksi Ghea Youbi di malam akhir tahun 2023 viral di TikTok.

Mayor Tegal's wealth profile is even in the spotlight because it can invite dangdut artists whose rates are certainly not cheap. Interested in Dedy Yon Supriyono's profile?

On New Year's Eve 2023, Dedy seemed to be on the stage when Ghea was also shaking. Their recordings on stage were shared by the TikTok account @youth_gk5 on Monday (2/1/2023).

In the video, Ghea Youbi is seen shaking her hips towards the mayor. The dangdut singer and DJ were seen wearing a sexy shirt with a white top without a rope and black shorts that looked sparkling. So what is Dedy Yon Supriyono's Profile like?

Dedy Yon Supriyono is a man born in Brebes, August 14, 1980. Before entering politics, he was an entrepreneur who regulated several important positions in parts of the corporate, including the commissioner of PT. Dedy Jaya Lambang Perkasa, Director of PO Dedy Jaya and Chairman of the Muhadi Setiabudi University Foundation (UMUS) Brebes.

While he was young he actively participated in various organizations, such as the Ansor Youth Movement, the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI), the Indonesian National Youth Committee (KNPI) and the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI).

His political career began when he served as Chairman of the Branch Leadership Council (DPC) of the Democratic Party of Brebes Regency. It was noted that he had also occupied the leadership of the Brebes DPRD for the 2009-2014 period and then continued his political career by plunging to the position of the Central Java Porvincial DPRD.

Meanwhile, according to investigations through various sources, Dedy Yon Supriyono's candidacy as Mayor of Tegal in the 2018 simultaneous regional elections was carried by the Democratic Party. At that time he should have competed with three other cadres to receive tickets to advance for the Tegal Pilkada.

Then, he received 80 percent sound within the party, setting aside three other cadres, namely Khurotul Jannah, Tanty Prasetyoningrum and Jumadi. Dedy stepped forward with the last cadres who were chosen as Cawali and even though he was not the son of the Tegal City area, he was confident that he would win the Tegal Pilkada. To smooth his steps, he is in a coalition with nine parties, except the PDI-P

Then the pair Dedy and Jumadi successfully won the 2018 Pilkada with a narrow vote from their opponents, Zaenal Abidin and Tanty Prasetyoningrum. However, this result reaped disputes at the Constitutional Court (MK) because it was considered that there were a number of violations.

The results of the Constitutional Court determined to win Dedy and Jumadi's side and legally by the local Uumum Election Commission (KPU), the Dedy and Jumadi pair were determined as the new elected pair as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Tegal and took office on March 23, 2019.

Dedy Yon Supriyono's biodata

Full Name: H. Dedy Yon Supriyono, SE. MM

Place/Date of Birth : Brebes, August 14, 1980

Birth City : Brebes

Religion : Islam

Hobby: Automotive, Hunting and Singing

Moto Hidup: A strong desire will make us able to achieve our dreams and goals

Status : Kawin


Dr. (HC) H. Muhadi Setiabudi and

Hj. Atik Sri Subekti

The name of the wife: Dr. Hj. Roro Kusnabila Erfa

Birth Date : January 27, 1989

Children's Name : Remi Wijaya Kusuma

Birth Date : June 18, 2013

Education :

SDN Cimolog Bulakamba Brebes (1987-1993)

SMP N 1 Brebes (1993-1996)

SMA N 1 Brebes (1996-1999)

S1 Ekonomi Universitas 17 Agustus Semarang (1999-2015)

S2 Management University Sultan Agung Semarang (2007-2010)

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