Concurrent Position, Risma's Leadership Will Not Run Smoothly

JAKARTA - Tri Rismaharini alias Risma still does not want to leave his position as mayor of Surabaya. In fact, Risma has been appointed by President Joko Widodo to become minister of social affairs replacing Juliari Batubara who is a KPK patient.

A political observer from Al Azhar Indonesia University, Ujang Komaruddin, said that Risma had the potential to violate two laws because she did not want to leave her post as mayor.

According to him, two laws were violated, namely, Law number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government and Law number 39 of 2008 concerning State Ministries.

"Multiple positions are not allowed, it is prohibited," Ujang told VOI, Thursday, December 24.

Law number 23 of 2014 concerning Government, said Ujang, in Article 76 letter h prohibits regional heads and deputy regional heads from holding concurrent positions as officials of other countries. Then Law number 39 of 2008 in Article 23 letter a clearly prohibits ministers from holding concurrent positions as officials of other countries.

In addition, it is predicted that with a concurrent position, Risma will not focus on carrying out her duties as either the Minister of Social Affairs or the Mayor of Surabaya. So, it is advisable to leave one of these positions.

"It will not go well because it is not focused," he said.

In fact, the effect that will occur when you don't focus on your work so that everything you do might fall apart, Risma will lose sympathy from the public. For that, Risma in the near future must make a choice regarding her position.

"The impact is the people will not sympathize with him," he said.