Police Arrest Two People In A Burned Fish Warehouse In Muara Baru

The police arrested two people from inside an empty warehouse used to cool fish in the Nizam Zachman Ocean Fishing Port area, Muara Baru, Penjaringan, North Jakarta, after the industrial building fire.

Muara Baru Police Chief AKP M Debby Tri Andrestian said his party was still examining the two arrested people. However, he has not been able to provide an identity or activity that is suspected of both.

"In the event of (the theft of the power cable), we are still investigating what caused this fire. So what we can only convey is that there are two people that we are currently investigating regarding this fire incident," said Debby, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, January 4.

Debby said the two people were suspected by residents because they were in the warehouse during the fire. Even though the warehouse of PT Inti Samudra Resultingindo has been empty for the last two years and no workers have been on duty.

The two men swam out of the warehouse when the fire broke out. But his role in the building at that time was still not revealed and both of them are still being investigated intensively at the Muara Baru Regional Police Headquarters.

The fire in the PT Inti Samudra Emasindo building or the community used to call it PT Bonekom has been successfully extinguished by eight fire engines and dozens of personnel from the North Jakarta and Thousand Islands Fire and Rescue Sub-dept.

There were no casualties or injuries in this fire incident. However, local residents complained that they had been disturbed by their visibility because the Nizam Zachman Ocean Fishing Port (PPS) area, Muara Baru, was covered in thick smoke due to a warehouse fire.