Government Raup Rp19.2 Trillion From Auction Of Government Securities At The Beginning Of 2023

JAKARTA - The government raised funds of IDR 19.2 trillion from the auction of 7 series of state securities (SBN) at the beginning of the year which received an incoming offer of IDR 28.31 trillion.

In an official statement in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 3, the Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management of the Ministry of Finance reported that the seven SBN series being auctioned were SPN03230405 (new issuance), SPN12240104 (new issue), FR0095 (reopening), FR0096 (reopening), FR0098 (reopening), FR0097 (reopening), and FR0089 (reopening) through the Bank Indonesia (BI) auction system.

The largest funds raised came from the FR0096 series auction worth IDR 8.1 trillion from an incoming offer of IDR 9.48 trillion, with a weighted average yield or yield won of 7.02988 percent.

Then, from the FR0095 auction, funds amounted to Rp3.65 trillion from an incoming offer of Rp6.49 trillion, with a weighted yield of 6.61971 percent.

The absorption of other largest funds came from the SPN12240104 auction of IDR 2.5 trillion which received an incoming offer of IDR 3.05 trillion, with a weighted average yield of 5.43808 percent won.

From the FR0098 auction, Rp2 trillion was generated from an incoming offer of Rp2.61 trillion, with a weighted average yield of 7,11999 percent.

Furthermore, IDR 1.15 trillion was absorbed from the FR0097 series auction which received an entrance offer of IDR 1.43 trillion, with a weighted average yield of 7.15982 percent.

Funds were inflated from SUN with the SPN03230405 series worth IDR 1 trillion from an incoming offer of IDR 4.37 trillion, with a weighted average yield of 4.49000 percent won.

Finally, from the FR0089 series, Rp800 billion was absorbed, which received an incoming offer of Rp869 billion, with a weighted average yield of 7.25631 percent.