Talking About Hard Work, Social Minister Risma Tells Of Her Struggle To Close Dolly's Localization So That She Is Threatened With Using Snakes

JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini (Risma) invited the ranks of the Ministry of Social Affairs to unite their enthusiasm and steps together. Risma reminded that the role of the Ministry of Social Affairs is very important and awaited by the community.

"Maybe what we do seems light. We don't realize we have a very important role. Like a letter signature or something. Make no mistake about providing assistance. Those who were assisted were very happy. Even if Rp100 thousand is very meaningful. For us it may be small. But for the community it's huge, ”said Social Minister Tri Rismaharini in his remarks after the handover of the position (sertijiab) with Social Minister Ad Interim Muhadjir Effendy at the Ministry of Social's office quoted from the Ministry of Social Affairs statement, Wednesday, December 23.

The handover was carried out after the inauguration of Risma at the State Palace by President Joko Widodo in the morning. During the handover, the Minister of Social Affairs Ad Interim Muhadjir Effendy advised the government to focus on handling the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, Muhadjir Effendy also emphasized the government's focus on reducing poverty to the level of "zero poverty".

Meanwhile Risma reminded that handling the Social Welfare Service Government (PPKS) is not an easy job. Like what he does as Mayor of Surabaya in handling various types of PPKS such as midfielders, beggars, street singers, or prostitution.

Risma gave an example, how to deal with homeless people and beggars who turned out to be 98 percent of them not Surabaya residents.

"They are 98 percent not from Surabaya. Nowadays Surabaya is clean from beggars, buskers or homeless people. I really can't. If they can be helped, they don't need to snatch, nodong. Because I can get money, "he said.

How this can happen, according to the Minister of Social Affairs, is entirely up to us.

"It depends on us. How do we work. If only we work according to our hearts. I took care of children with special needs since I was young. With our eyes, with our hands, with our hearts, we can help others, ”he said.

Poverty Data and Budget Realization

To the ranks of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Risma also reminded them to work efficiently, especially in budget management. He knows, the budget for updating the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) has reached IDR 1.2 trillion.

“This is not a huge budget. But really. So it must be managed properly and efficiently. If it can be managed properly and efficiently, the rest can be allocated for other needs, "he said.

The Minister of Social Affairs asked his staff to not hesitate to work wholeheartedly, sincerely and sincerely, even though it is hard.

"Like I closed Dolly (prostitution complex). It's so heavy. I was threatened, given a snake, my house was burned, and I was put on trial in court. But in court it was Dolly's people who helped me. So if we do good, Allah will reward us, "he said.

Social Minister Risma also conveyed President Joko Widodo's message that he should complete the distribution of social assistance both at the end of the year and the beginning of 2021, as well as updating the DTKS.

"The realization of the budget at the beginning of the year is important for moving the wheels of the economy," he said.

To strengthen the people's economy, Social Minister Risma will pay attention to strengthening the economy. In the future, Risma will invest in people with social welfare problems (PMKS) who want to earn income by having to work, not begging.

With a tough challenge, Risma invited his staff to join hands. Risma wants to build togetherness and there are no barriers.