DKI No Longer Workers PJLP Age Above 56 Years Old, Department Of Environment: His Family Can Replace

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government no longer employs other individual service provider employees (PJLP) who are 56 years old and over due to the new regulations from the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono as of 2023.

The DKI Jakarta Environment Agency (LH) has become a regional work unit (SKPD) that has terminated the work contract of PJLP aged over 56 years and over at most, which is around 600 people.

Head of the DKI Jakarta LH Service Asep Kuswanto said that his party provided a kind of compensation for PJLP whose contract was terminated, namely being able to apply for one of his family members to replace his position.

"Indeed, there are also those who are replaced. If they really want to, they can be replaced by their families, children, we can try the process. With a note, they also want to replace them," Asep told reporters, Tuesday, January 3.

Asep realized that there were still PJLPs over the age of 56 who were diligent in working. However, the Department of Environment and Forestry must follow Heru Budi's new rules to limit the age of contracted PJLPs.

One of the reasons for this age restriction is so that all PJLP can be covered by the BPJS program. Meanwhile, BPJS limits the age of workers who are participants to a maximum of 56 years.

"Our PJLP is covered by BPJS. The BPJS requires 56 years. So, like it or not, so that BPJS can cover it well, the age limit is 56 years," explained Asep.

"Even though they say they are still healthy, they are still strong, but in terms of regulations like that," he continued.

The rules for limiting the age of PJLP are contained in the Governor's Decree (Kepgub) Number 1095 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for Controlling the Use of Individual Other Service Providers (PJLP).

A number of PJLPs aged 56 years and over also reacted. Some time ago, they visited the City Hall of DKI Jakarta and the DKI Jakarta DPRD to send a letter of objection to the issuance of Governor Decree No. 1095 of 2022.

To Heru Budi and the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, the middle-aged PJLP have two demands, namely the postponement of the gubernatorial implementation and the opportunity for PJLP over 56 years to work in one more year.