While In Gowes, Ganjar Checks Kaligawe Floods Do Not Order: We Want To Borrow Portable Pumps From The Ministry Of PUPR

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo walked through a village in Gayamsari District, Semarang City. Ganjar checked a number of flood points that had not subsided in several urban villages there. Departing from his official residence at 05.30 WIB, Ganjar went straight to the north of Semarang City.

In Sawah Besar Village, there are still several village points where the roads are flooded. When checked, the pumps around there are submerged in water. In other words, the water discharge is higher so that the pump does not work.

The former member of the Indonesian House of Representatives also visited the Waru Pump House. According to Kuntadi, the pump house officer, the flood around Sawah Besar began to recede Monday, January 2 yesterday.

"Last night it rained again, but not much and can be pumped directly into the flood of the east canal. The pump continues," Kuntadi told Ganjar.

The governor of Central Java for two periods then headed towards Kaligawe. It can be seen from the East Flood Canal bridge, the direction leading to the Kaligawe bridge is still flooded. On the side of Tambakrejo Street, a public kitchen was established by the Central Java Police.

"I saw that at some point inundation in Tambakrejo was a part that was still relatively long inundation. Earlier, the Camat conveyed the flow of the Tenggang river, but the river was full," said Ganjar.

The Head of Gayamsari Sub-district, Agus Jun, reported to Ganjar that of the seven urban villages currently there are still about four sub-districts that are flooded. Among others, Tambakrejo, Kaligawe, parts of Sawah Besar, and Sambirejo.

From his observation, flooding in the Tambakrejo area can be sucked in and thrown into the East Flood Canal. But it takes a portable pump with a longer tube.

"Sun is already dry (weather), this is our opportunity to suck fast," he said.

Ganjar said the actions taken must be more speculative. Moreover, last night the city of Semarang had rained with moderate intensity.

"This makes us even more speculative so that his position is getting out of control," he said.

In addition, Governor Ganjar said that this afternoon PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono would come to visit the floods in Semarang City. He will immediately convey the obstacles and ask for help from portable pumps.

"I think we need cooperation between the City Government, the Provincial Government and the Ministry of PUPR so that we borrow several portable pumps for us to install in several places while looking for a rather long hose, so that there is one pumping engineering that I think can be much better, this is what we are trying to try to do," he said.

Ganjar also hopes that the cooperation between the City Government, Provincial Government and the Ministry of PUPR will bring more integrated handling. Moreover, yesterday, Ganjar continued, coordination meetings with the regions including the Head of BMKG and BNPB had been held.

"But today I want to discuss it as a whole so that there is an initiative from us, so we have to lead it so that we can coordinate it, because the one who knows best is actually in the district city and only the execution, but if it is difficult, we will help," he said.