Replacing Terawan, Minister Of Health Budi Gunadi Is Considered To Be Able To Restore Public Trust

JAKARTA - The inclusion of Budi Gunadi Sadikin as health minister replacing Terawan Agus Putranto is considered to restore public confidence in the government, which was eroded in the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although not directly.
This was conveyed by the Executive Director of the Indonesia Political Opinion (IPO) Dedi Kurnia Syah in response to Jokowi's move to install a new Mekes. Where a number of people consider Terawan's performance to be less than optimal in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.
He said, although the public initially did not trust Budi because of his background as a banker, this could gradually be eroded. Because, as a banker, the former Deputy Minister of BUMN is considered to have a tactical way of thinking.
"This will allow the public to trust again in their commitment to handling the pandemic and at least Terawan's underestimation of the pandemic will not happen again," he said when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, December 23.
Similar to the entry of Sandiaga Uno's name as Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy replacing Wishnutama Kusubandio, Tri Rismaharini replacing Juliari Peter Batubara as Minister of Social Affairs, even Yaqut Choilil Qoumas who sits as Minister of Religion replaces Fachrul Razi. According to him, the inclusion of these names will provide a spirit of renewal even though it makes the cabinet look so obese.
"Even though there is obesity, the composition that we see politically is very helpful for the stability of the President's support. Moreover, politically, the composition of today's cabinet is fully accommodative, the President has not left any rivalries in his government," said Dedi.
However, President Jokowi is still considered to be careful. This is because by embracing all parties, it means that the supervision of the opposition is decreasing or tends to disappear.
Meanwhile, for the old ministers who were replaced such as Terawan to Wishnutama, he considered, Jokowi did not seem to have projected that he would give any positions. The reason was, Dedi considered them to be professional people.
"Of course after finishing work, we will not make any bargain," he said.
As previously reported, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) appointed six of his new ministers in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet. The six people were sworn in on Wednesday, 23 December or Wednesday Pon if using the Javanese calendar.
The six ministers who were appointed were Tri Risma Harini as Minister of Social Affairs, Sandiaga Uno as Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Budi Gunadi Sadikin as Minister of Health.
Then Sakti Wahyu Trenggono as Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Yaqut Choilil Qoumas alias GUs Yaqut as Minister of Religion, and Muhammad Lutfi as Minister of Trade.