Examined 4 Hours About Porn Videos, Finally Gisel Opened Her Voice

JAKARTA - Artist Gisella Anastasia alias Gisel has finished examining a case of spreading pornographic videos similar to her at Polda Metro Jaya. Investigators examined Gisel for four hours.

"Thank you, sorry for a long time. Today, I have been questioning what we can, as usual," Gisel told reporters, Wednesday, December 23.

The ex-wife of Gading Martin refused to elaborate on the investigative material. He only said that this examination was only to complete the investigation files which were deemed inadequate.

"Earlier there was an additional report. The process went well," he said.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus previously said that the second examination of Gisel was in order to complete the investigation file. This is because the research prosecutor previously returned the investigation file because it was deemed incomplete regarding formal and material matters.

"Because there are several more questions that must be asked to those concerned," he said.

"We have tried to complete it according to what was asked by the prosecutor," continued Yusri.

In the case of the distribution of pornographic content, the police have named two suspects with the initials PP and NN. They were made suspects after investigators carried out their case titles.

Both were named suspects for spreading the pornographic video on social media. Even though two suspects have been named, investigators are still investigating the case. Because it is strongly suspected that there are still other suspects.

The two suspects were charged under Article 27 paragraph 1 in conjunction with article 45 of Law 19 of 2016 concerning ITE and Article 8 in conjunction with Article 34 of Law 44 of 2008 concerning pornography.