Implementation Of Co-Firing At PLN Results From 575.4 GWh Of Clean Electricity Throughout 2022

PT PLN (Persero) reports that the use of biomass as a substitute for coal used in Steam Power Plants (PLTU) throughout 2022 has resulted in clean energy of 575.4 GWh.

In addition, the use of biomass as a cofiring material is also reported to have succeeded in reducing carbon emissions by 542 thousand tons of CO2 by utilizing biomass.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said that throughout 2022 PLN has implemented this co-firing technology in 36 PLTU locations from 35 locations.

"The implementation of co-firing will have an impact on reducing carbon emissions and greenhouse gases. This is part of the people's electricity ecosystem that involves the community in providing biomass so that it can increase the economic growth of the local community," Darmawan said in an official statement, Monday, December 2.

Not only using biomass, he continued, to ensure supply sustainability, PLN has built a biomass supply chain. Starting from the planning stage, construction, biomass plant management to commercialization at PLN PLTU. Biomass currently being used is five types, namely sawdust, wood debris, palm shells, corncobs, and solid jumputan fuel.

This co-firing program itself has been successfully carried out in collaboration with the use of waste with 12 local governments throughout Indonesia and 6 solid-jumping fuel projects (BBJP) have also been launched and operate in 2022.

"We are collaborating with various parties. Including the local government for the use of waste and Perhutani for the use of energy plants or wood powder. Cooperation with the community and various other parties is carried out to utilize types of biomass such as sawdust, rice husks, corncobs and palm oil shells," said Darmawan.

In heading for the clean energy transition, PLN does not run alone. PLN collaborates by empowering the community. This program has a tremendous impact on PLN, the environment and society.

"Through this program, we not only intend to replace coal with biomass, but also to build a reliable biomass supply chain involving the community. So that in its supply it has an economic impact for the community directly," concluded Darmawan.