The Progress Of The Construction Of The Bagong Capai Dam Is 15.79 Percent

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has completed seven dams out of a total of eight dams in East Java Province.

The construction of the eight multifunctional dams in East Java has been programmed from 2015 to 2024.

There are seven dams that are currently operating.

Of the eight dams built, there is one dam that is still under construction, namely the Bagong Dam in Trenggalek Regency with a capacity of 17.40 million cubic meters.

"The construction of the dam is followed by the construction of an irrigation network. Thus, dams that are built at large costs can be useful, because the water is confirmed to flow to farmers' rice fields," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono in a written statement, as quoted on Monday, January 2.

The Bagong Dam is designed with a zonal grade with a Tesak Core with a peak height of 82 meters and a length of 620 meters.

Overall, the physical work of the Bagong Dam in the first week of December 2022 has reached 15.79 percent.

The construction of the Bagong Dam began on December 27, 2018, through two work packages, with a value of around IDR 1.6 trillion.

Package I is carried out by contractor PT Abipraya - PT SACNA (KSO), which includes preparation, construction of access to dams, main dams, other works with 7.10 percent physical progress.

Meanwhile, Package II is carried out by contractor PT PP-PT Jatiwangi (KSO), which includes preparation, access to OP roads, repulsing buildings, delegation buildings, pick-up buildings, hydromechanicals, and facility buildings with progress of 35.06 percent.

The Bagong Dam was built by the Brantas River Basin Center (BBWS), the Directorate General of Water Resources, the Ministry of PUPR with the main aim of developing and increasing the Irrigation Area (DI) in Trenggalek covering an area of 1,021 hectares.

Based on data from the Trenggalek Regency Government (Pemkab) in 2015, Trenggalek Regency has an area of 126,140 hectares with a rice field area of 12,160 hectares, dry land of 39,514 hectares, and plantations of 2,536 hectares, of which superior commodities, such as rice and palawija, really need irrigation water sources.

Bagong Dam is also projected to support raw water needs in Pogalan, Trenggalek, and Dam sub-districts of 153 liters per second.

With an inundation area of 73.45 hectares, the Bagong Dam also functions to reduce the flood discharge of the Bagong River by 78.44 percent as well as conservation of Bagong watersheds and tourism potential.

The Bagong Dam is located in Sumurup Village and Sengon which is about 10 km from the city center of Trenggalek Regency. The source of the dam water comes from the Bagong River with a watershed area of 39.95 square kilometers.

If the construction of the Bagong Dam has been completed later, it will add to the list of water reservoirs in East Java.

Previously, the PUPR Ministry had completed a number of dams in the East Java area, such as the Tukul Dam in Pacitan Regency, Tugu Dam in Trenggalek Regency, Bendo Dam in Ponorogo, Gongseng Dam in Bojonegoro, Nipah Dam in Sampang Regency, Bajulmati Dam in Banyuwangi Regency, and Semantok Dam in Nganjuk Regency.

The dam construction aims to fulfill the mission of food security and water security in the Government's National Strategic Program carried out by the Ministry of PUPR.

The eight dams in East Java are multipurpose dams that function as flood control, raw water sources, irrigation area water sources, power generation sources, and tourism.