BKSAP DPR Appreciates The UN Resolution On Palestine, Fadli Zon: No Double Standards

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) Fadli Zon appreciated the 87 countries that supported the latest resolution of the UN General Assembly (MU) regarding Palestine.

As is known, Friday, December 30 New York time, the United Nations MU passed a resolution through a vote asking the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to provide an opinion on the legality of Israel's illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories.

Earlier, in 2004, the ICJ said Israel's dividing wall was against international law and asked Israel to immediately stop its construction. But Israel did not heed the 2004 ruling, and this resolution urged Israel to comply, stop the construction of the wall, and bring it down.

The latest UN resolution is very positive and a diplomatic victory for Palestine earlier this year. This must be followed up immediately with a real implementation. Don't let it be like previous resolutions that have no effect," Fadli Zon reminded.

Furthermore, the former Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives saw the adoption of the latest UN resolution again showing the defamation of major Western countries when dealing with each other against Israel.

"Obviously this is for the umpteenth time exposing the hypocritic character of big Western countries and their double standards for Israeli human rights violations resulting in Israeli occupation of more than seven decades. This would be different if it were related to Ukraine," said the Gerindra politician insinuating the United States, Britain and Germany, which include 26 countries that oppose the resolution.

On the other hand, the politician who is also the Vice President of the League of Parliamentarians for Al Quds appreciated ASEAN countries, Arabs, and several Western countries such as Ireland who showed a positive position towards the Palestinian cause.

ASEAN, apart from the abstentionful Philippines and Thailand, Arab countries that carry out abstentionful normalization, Ireland and France, this phenomenon shows support for Palestine is the voice of the majority of the global community including Russia and China," said the foreign commission legislator.

Regarding the resolution, Fadli also considered that the majority of the votes signaled that the global community was fed up with the repeated violations of Israel. "This resolution is a great opportunity to rally the world against the occupation and human rights violations that Israel has committed so far," he urged.

Regarding the evaluation of the development of the Palestinian situation in 2022, the Minang-blooded politician is still very concerned about it. "According to reports from various sources, 2022 is the worst year regarding the number of Palestinians. About 225 people have died in the West Bank and Gaza Strip over the past 12 months," he said.

To maintain the hope of Palestinian independence, added Fadli Zon, the DPR through BKSAP will continue its commitment to support the Palestinian struggle, especially in parliamentary forums.

As president of the ASEAN Parliamentary Association or AIPA, the House of Representatives will continue to voice support for Palestinian independence. Likewise, at the general session of the IPU World Parliament in March in Bahrain, we are garnering support so that each country that is pro-Palestinian to propose emergency items in Bahrain will be related to Palesitna," concluded Fadli Zon.