Sambut Year 2023 Google Awards Unique Doodle

JAKARTA - Tech companies are celebrating the new year 2023 by presenting Doodles in the form of interactive animations when users open their Google search pages today.

When the user clicks on the animated Doodle, the new page opens with a party confetti across the screen. Find the animation confetti cone on the left side of the screen to sprinkle the confetti again on the device.

"Today's doodle celebrates New Year's Eve, a time to reminisce about 2022 and look forward to a new start in 2023. Whether you light fireworks or set a destination for next year, these are the great things that will come in 2023!" said Google Doodle webpage, Sunday January 1 as reported by Antara.

According to the Gregorian calendar, December 31 is the last day of each year. People around the world celebrate New Year's Eve with parties and fireworks.

January's first day was seen by many as a symbol of a new journey. It was around this time that people made New Year's resolutions to take advantage of the days ahead and achieve greater goals in life.

After the last two New Year celebrations were suppressed by COVID-19, 2023 looks set to be celebrated with great fanfare.

While COVID-19 cases are increasing in China, several countries including India have shared several guidelines for those traveling abroad. One of these requirements is a negative PCR test report for travelers from six countries, including China and Thailand.

In Indonesia itself, the government has officially revoked the policy period for imposing restrictions on community activities (PPKM) on Friday, December 30. Thus, there will be no more restrictions on crowds and community movements.

However, the government reminded the entire community to remain careful and vigilant, by continuing to maintain health protocols.