"Sorry Chief Of Police Listyo Sigit About Ferdy Sambo Until The Death Tragedy"

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo apologized for cases involving his members and had an impact on the decline in the level of public trust in the Bhayangkara Corps in 2022. Some of them were Ferdy Sambo and Inspector General Teddy Minahasa's cases.

"This is certainly one of the events that dealt a blow to our institution," said Sigit in his presentation on the Year-End Release, Saturday, December 31.

"We realize that of course there are still many shortcomings that we need to improve, therefore I as the Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia apologize profusely to all Indonesian people for the performance and behavior and words of the behavioral services of our members who may not be in line with the expectations of the community," he continued.

For the alleged murder case of Brigadier J, his party has investigated it thoroughly. As a result, five people were named as suspects, namely, Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawathi, Richard totaling alias Bharada E, Bripka Ricky Rizal and Strong Matuf.

Currently, the status of that case has entered the trial stage. In fact, there is also a case of obstruction of justice involving several members of the National Police.

"And seven people as suspects for obstruction of justice have also been tried," he said.

Then, in the case of methamphetamine that dragged Inspector General Teddy Minahasa, continued Sigit, his staff had named 10 suspects. Five of them are members of the National Police and the rest are civilians.

This is also a form of our commitment to implement zero tolerance for drug cases. Anyone, whatever the rank, if involved, we will process it firmly, this is part of our commitment to eradicating drugs and other cases," said Sigit.

Finally, Sigit also mentioned the deadly tragedy at the Kanjuruhan Stadium. For this case, there are six suspects.

They are, Chairman of the Arema FC match Organizing Committee Abdul Haris, Security Officer Suko Sutrisno, Company Commander III Brimob East Java Police AKP Hasdarman, Head of Ops Malang Police Wahyu SS, and Head of Samapta Malang Police Adjunct Commissioner Bambang Sidik Achmadi as suspects.

The five suspects have been transferred to the Public Prosecutor (JPU) and one other suspect, namely the Director of PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB) Akhmad Hadian Lukita, is still in the process of fulfilling the case file.

"Hopefully this can be completed, then we are currently processing 20 personnel for the alleged code of ethics, there are also criminal-related processes, therefore we opened space with some time ago we conducted a case title by presenting criminal experts, however related to Articles 340 and 338 based on experts it cannot be fulfilled, of course we are following up on these findings," said Sigit.