Sabu Circulation During The COVID-19 Pandemic Rises 119 Percent, Seized 5.91 Tons Of Sabu

JAKARTA - The National Police Criminal Investigation Directorate noted that during the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a significant increase in drug trafficking. Based on the data, the increase in translucent cases was 119 percent from the previous year.

Director of Narcotics Crime, Brigadier General Krisno Halomoan Siregar, said that in the January-December 2019 period, at least 2.7 tonnes of crystal methamphetamine were secured. But in January to November 2020 it rocketed to 5.91 tons.

"If compared to 9 months (in) last year, the increasing number of narcotics is the type of crystal methamphetamine, which is quite an increase," Krisno told reporters, Wednesday, December 23.

Based on data, the increase in narcotics trafficking has also occurred in other types. For example, gorilla tobacco has increased by 722.50 percent compared to the previous year.

"The spread of gorilla tobacco reached 12.92 kilograms. Meanwhile, in the January to November 2020 period, it increased to 139.92 kilograms," he said.

This type of gorilla tobacco type narcotics, continued Krisno, is often consumed by young people under 25 years of age. Thus, it has an impact on the destruction of the nation's young generation.

"Usually, gorilla tobacco is used by young people. Children under 25 years old who want to experiment," he said.


The increase in drug trafficking can also be seen in the number of evidence confiscated. During a period of three months or 27 October to 23 December 2020, various types of drugs were successfully confiscated.

"The results of the prosecution of the National Police Criminal Investigation Dirtipid in the last few months, namely 89 kilographs of crystal meth, 68,986 points of ecstasy, 290 kilogran of marijuana," said Deputy Chief of Criminal Investigation of the National Police Inspector General Wahyu Hadiningrat.

Wahyu detailed the biggest case that could be uncovered, namely, the arrest of the Aceh-Medan-Jakarta network with 3 suspects on 19 December. In this case about 45 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine were used as evidence.

Then, with the Medan-Jombang narcotics network, the police arrested 2 suspects along with 25 kilogran of crystal methamphetamine and 58,606 ecstasy pills. Officers also secured 284 kilograms of marijuana from the Mandiling Natal-West Sumatra network with 8 suspects, on Wednesday, December 2.

The evidence that was seized was destroyed. With the hope that there will be no more narcotics trafficking in Indonesia.

"Prior to the destruction of barbuk, a narcotic sample test will be carried out by the National Police's Bareskrim Labfor team using a set of field laboratory testing instruments," he said.