Petrus Golose Becomes Head Of BNN, Awaited Action To Eradicate The Drug Mafia

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) appointed Petrus Reinhard Golose as Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN). Petrus Golose replaces Komjen Heru Winarko.

This inauguration is based on Presidential Decree No. 203 / TPA of 2020, concerning dismissal and appointment of and in major high leadership positions within the National Narcotics Agency.

"To appoint Inspector General Pol Petrus Reinhard Golose as Head of the National Narcotics Agency as of the inauguration and he will be given financial rights and other facilities at the ministerial level in accordance with statutory regulations," said the Presidential Decree read by Secretary of the State Secretariat Ministry, Setya Utama quoted by Antara, Wednesday, 23 December.

Petrus Reinhard Golose is a 1988 graduate of the Police Academy, and has experience in the field of research. The last position of this two-star general was Chief of the Bali Regional Police.

Petrus was one of the police officers who received an extraordinary promotion when he joined the Bareskrim team that knocked out the terrorist Dr Azahari and his group in Batu, Malang, East Java, November 9, 2005.

Hope for Peter Golose

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR, Ahmad Sahroni, believes that Petrus Golose is qualified to be the Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) because he has the ability and a good track record, especially in carrying out drug eradication work. "I hope that in the future, the BNN under Mr. swiftly eradicating drug mafias, "said Sahroni as quoted by Antara. He said Petrus had experience and capacity in leading an institution. Sahroni gave an example, Petrus was proven successful in carrying out the mandate as the Head of the Bali Police for 4 years. "Pak Petrus proved successful as the Head of the Bali Police for 4 years by maintaining security and order in Bali," he said. The NasDem Party politician considered Petrus Golose to have good communication so that he believed can coordinate with ministries / agencies in carrying out drug eradication tasks.

"Pak Petrus for communication is very good and he is a humble person," he said.