Being Together With Women, The Alleged Perpetrator Of The Mutilation In Bekasi Was Arrested By Police

The police said that the suspected mutilating suspect, Dicky Listyanto, was arrested along with several of his colleagues. One of them is a woman.

"We are chasing (Ecky) and finally found several people including suspects, there are women," said Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi to reporters, Saturday, December 31.

However, it is not certain the involvement of the woman with the mutilation case. Currently, an in-depth investigation into the examination process is still being carried out.

"We are investigating the motive and so on, so this is still very early," he said.

Hengki said all developments regarding the process of investigating the case would be conveyed in the near future. Currently, his party will continue to collect evidence and clues.

"We will convey developments later," said Hengki.

The body parts of the female victim of mutilation were found in the container box. The discovery took place on Friday, December 30, at around 03.23 WIB.

The finding of pieces of a woman's body in two container boxes is called by accident. This is because the police initially followed up on reports of missing persons on behalf of Dicky Listyanto, who is strongly suspected of being the perpetrator of the mutilation.

"Reports about missing persons from the Bantar Gebang Police are then members of unit 4 Resmob Polda Metro Jaya conducting investigations and leading to the TKP," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan.

In this case, Dicky Listyanto is strongly suspected of being a suspect. If proven, he will be charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code regarding murder.