Police Disband Wedding Party In Makassar Because Of Crowds

MAKASSAR - The police broke up a wedding party in Makassar City, South Sulawesi (Sulsel). The party was dissolved because it did not get permission from the crowd and did not implement the COVID-19 health protocol.

The wedding party was considered to have violated the Makassar Mayor Regulation (Perwali), Number 51 and 53 of 2020. Concerning, 'Implementation of Discipline and Law Enforcement of Health Protocols as Efforts to Prevent and Control COVID-19'.

"Last night we broke up the residents' wedding party, they violated the Perwali and did not have permission from the crowd from the police," said the head of the Panakkukang Police, Kompol Jamal Fathur Rakhman, confirmed by reporters, Wednesday, December 23.

The wedding party that was disbanded was located on Pampang 1 Street, Pampang Village, Panakkukang District, Makassar City, Tuesday, December 22 evening.

The dissolution process was orderly and safe because it was carried out persuasively. The host also acknowledged that he had not followed the government's appeal.

"All invited guests were asked to return to their respective homes. Alhamdulillah it was going in an orderly manner. There was no rejection from the host and organizer, guests also chose to go home," he said.

The police emphasized that they would carry out similar actions if there were still violations. Moreover, the event did not have a permit and did not implement the COVID-19 health protocol as recommended by the Makassar City government.

"We will not be indiscriminate, whoever violates it we will act decisively, we will disband it because socialization is often carried out," said Jamal Fathur.