Prof. Eddy Hiariej Becomes Deputy Minister Of Law And Human Rights, Promises To Share Tasks With Laoly

JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej who is usually called Eddy Hiariej will share duties with the Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H Laoly.

"Frankly, I have just been inaugurated, it hasn't been 2 hours. Of course, as a new person who has entered the Ministry of Law and Human Rights I will study, first identify what problems are quite crucial at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and what are the solutions. I will definitely coordinate because as a The deputy minister is helping the minister, "said Eddy at the State Palace in Jakarta as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 23.

On this day President Joko Widodo appointed Eddy Hiariej as Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights to accompany Menkumham Yasonna H Laoly.

"I just met Prof Yasonna Laoly as Menkumham for about 15 minutes. We haven't talked much more because he has a meeting with Menkopolhukam at 11.00 (WIB) and God willing, on Monday, December 28 we will coordinate," said Eddy. .

Eddy also admitted that he had not shared his duties with Yasonna. "Because the duty of the deputy minister is to help the minister, the Minister and I will divide the tasks he will handle and which will I handle or what I will help him," said Eddy.

The criminal law expert admits that he only refers to the Law on the State Ministry regarding the tasks he may be doing.

"That basically and this has also been said by President Joko Widodo when he was inaugurated as president and then when he inaugurated the working cabinet on October 23, 2019 he had said that there was no ministerial vision, which was the vision and mission of the president and vice president, because that was the duty of the Deputy Minister based on the law of the state ministries, of course it is helping the minister, "said Eddy.

Of the various directorates general at Kemenkumham, Eddy is sure he has their respective problems.

"Of course each directorate general has its own problems and I will coordinate with the minister which needs to be fixed and which ones are good and improved. We have not talked in detail about the main tasks and functions and what is my job," said Eddy.

Eddy admitted that he had only been asked by State Secretary Pratikno to come to the palace on Monday, December 21.

"I happened to be contacted by the Minister of State Secretary Prof. Pratikno on Monday and asked to come to Jakarta because it is planned that on Wednesday, December 23, there will be an inauguration as Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights," said Eddy.

Eddy Hiariej is a professor of Criminal Law at Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta. He is often a member of the selection committee including members of the Judicial Commission and the Constitutional Court and other committee members

Eddy became the youngest professor at the UGM Faculty of Law (FH) when he was 37 years old. Eddy Hiariej was one of the experts from the Jokowi-Ma'ruf legal team 01 at the Constitutional Court at the presidential election dispute hearing in 2019.