History Of The Jakarta Night Festival: New Year's Festival Initiated By Jokowi - Ahok

JAKARTA - 2012 is a special year for Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok). Both were successfully elected as Governors and Deputy Governors of DKI Jakarta. Jokowi-Ahok wants to immediately show the capacity to lead all Jakarta residents.

The recitation was played. Putting the people of Jakarta through a people's party during the momentum of the turn of 2012 to 2013, one of them. The people's party was later widely known as the Jakarta Night Festival (JNF) which was centered at the HI Roundabout.

The enthusiasm for the 2012 DKI Jakarta Regional Head Election (Pilkada) is so great. Not only for all Jakarta residents, but also outside Jakarta. Anyone who is elected is considered a representation of the leader who protects the face of the capital city.

His excitement was also predicted from the first round with the presence of a candidate for governor and deputy governor who reached six pairs. The results of the first round were as predicted by many. Jokowi-Ahok ranks first and Fauzi Bowo- Nachrowi Ramli (Foke-Nara) occupies second place.

The gubernatorial election was continued to the second round to find the winner. Both pairs of candidates have their own teachings. Propandas that lead to black campaigns are scattered everywhere. The general public audience also guessed who deserved to win.

As a result, Jokowi-Ahok won the DKI Jakarta Pilkada. Both of them won 53.82 percent of the votes from Foke-Nara which only won 46.17 percent of the votes. Therefore, Jokowi-Ahok was also appointed as the new Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta on October 15, 2012.

The campaign's failure to use the issues of ethnicity, religion, race, and intergroup in Jakarta is positive news. Propaganda chose a candidate of faith, who was intensified by supporters of Fauzi and Nachrowi during the break between the first and second rounds of elections, trying to destroy the meritocracy principle. The campaign also eroded religious tolerance, a problem that would be a big job and had to be resolved by the new governor.

Jokowi and Basuki may give rise to hope for the residents of Jakarta: they will lead the capital city more humanely. When leading the city of Solo, Jokowi is known to be very humane. He, for example, asked the Civil Service Police Unit to "hold" their clubs and pistols. Jokowi was also able to move the market merchant area without turmoil. When he became the Regent of East Belitung, Bangka-Belitung Province, Basuki was also quite grounded," wrote a Tempo Magazine report entitled Governor of New Jakarta Lama (2012).

Jokowi-Ahok also began to push all the beginnings as Jakarta's number one and second people. Both of them perpetuate blusukan to find out in detail all the problems that were present in the capital city.

It was their journey to meet with Jakarta residents that made Jokowi-Ahok record a problem. In fact, not all Jakarta residents can access entertainment easily. This reason made Jokowi-Ahok immediately initiated a people's party at the momentum of the turn of 2012 to 2013.

Jakarta Night Festival (JNF), the name. An alternative entertainment in the car free night concept along the Sudirman-Thamrin road whose main stage is in the HI Roundabout. This entertainment can be enjoyed by all Jakarta residents.

The first total JNF presents 16 stages that spread throughout Jakarta with various kinds of entertainment. From Betawi arts to music. Later, JNF was also held to celebrate DKI Jakarta's birthday.

Jokowi-Ahok came and built the image of Jakarta as a city that can be enjoyed by all people. Not only duit people who are able to get classy entertainment in the city of Jakarta. The idea of people's parties broke out on the surface of Jakarta at the turn of 2012 towards 2013.

"Jokowi-Ahok held a people's party called the Jakarta Night Festival along Jalan Thamrin-Sudirman by carrying the concept of Car Free Night," said Arimbi Bimoseno in Jokowi's book: Rapopo as President (2014).