Often Wearing Shapewear Or Melangsing Underwear? Here's A Doctor's Advice

YOGYAKARTA Shapewear or underwear that sings, has a loose structure and helps form posture. However, is it always safe and healthy to wear shapewear every day? Come on, follow the doctor's instructions when you wear it often.

Shapewear is not like a corset with a tight-laced rope and metal panels that risk narrowing the ribs. But even though there is no risk of changing or relocating the organs, wearing shapewear also has limitations. Because in some cases, this dissipating underwear causes some physical problems, said doctor Hamlie Wakim-Fleming, MD., a hepatologist reported by Cleveland Clinic, Friday, December 30. Wearing it properly, can keep it safe.

The most likely problem when using shapewear is skin irritation. Especially for those of you who have sensitive skin and wear it for a long time. This allergic reaction is due to chemicals formulated by manufacturers to make clothes can stretch.

This allergic reaction can make the skin abrasion, itching, red, and eventually cause infection. That means, pay attention to your skin's reaction after wearing shapewear. If you find a specific reaction to the skin, stop wearing it until the skin is neutral again. Wakim-Fleming doctor advice, choose another brand and a larger size.

In addition to paying attention to skin reactions, keep your body clean and shapewear clean by washing frequently. Wakim-Fleming said, because these clothes touch the skin more than other cloth worn, and because the material is synthetic, it can trigger irritation.

Make sure you get the right size when you buy any shapewear or type of clothing. If the clothes are tight around the hips, it can narrow blood circulation to the lower legs. So, if you don't feel comfortable wearing it, choose a larger size or a softer ingredient.

Added Wakim-Fleming, very tight underwear can press nerves. This results in a sensation of numbness or numbness. If you have poor circulation, clothes are too tight to make conditions worse, such as swelling in your legs.

Basically, shapewear is designed to follow posture. Therefore, if the right size and the material is comfortable, it will not permanently damage the organ. But if you use shapewear that is too tight for a long time, it can suppress the digestive tract, make acid reflux, and concavity feel uncomfortable.

Body-forming clothing such as shapewear with an inappropriate size, can cause gas and bloating after eating because the gas produced by digestion is difficult to get out. This means, slowing down the gastrointestinal system free movement and trapping gas in it.

For women in their 50s or older, the potential for risk is higher. Because it can lead to the prolapse of the pelvic organs due to increased pressure on the abdomen. This causes the pelvic organs, including the uterus and the bladder, to drop or suppress the vagina.

That's the doctor's advice in wearing shapewear. Most importantly, according to Wakim-Fleming, use common sense and stop wearing shapewear for a long time, the size is not right, and when an irritation of the skin appears.