Jokowi Worried About Food Crisis, Bulog Director Budi Waseso: It's Still Safe

JAKARTA - Managing Director of the Logistics Agency (Bulog), Budi Waseso (Buwas) emphasized that Indonesia does not experience a food deficit amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This is because the availability of rice until the end of the year is still in a safe condition.

Buwas's statement also answered President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) concern regarding the food crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic. As is well known, Jokowi had several times mentioned the food crisis as stated by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

"Actually, we do not have a food deficit. The proof is that by December until the end of this year our food supply is very sufficient. Plus we will strengthen domestic production," he said, in a virtual discussion, Tuesday, December 22.

Buwas said, Bulog is a part of the buffer stock for food availability. Because, this is also related to price stability. Therefore, it is the obligation of Bulog to ensure the distribution of food, especially rice throughout Indonesia.

All the strengths of Bulog in Indonesia, he said, must be prepared to become the regional buffer stock of the country. This is what makes him always follow developments in food problems in the region, both from the development of the harvest period and the price.

"I think that is what we have to follow during this pandemic. In fact, it is useful for us to learn how to use this to build our cooperation and strength by synergizing with other ministries / agencies, communities, farmers. So that until today food programs it can be done well, "he said.

Buwas said that his party is also implementing a strategy to manage the existing rice stock so that there is no food deficit. One of them is by distributing crop yields to areas that are in deficit.

President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi). (Photo: Doc. Bulog)

"When there is a harvest in an area, of course the harvest will be excessive in that area. Bulog absorbs the harvest and we immediately distribute the harvest to areas that are deficit or do not produce rice or food," he explained.

On the same occasion, Deputy for Food and Agribusiness Coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy Musdhalifah Machmud agreed with Bulog's statement that Indonesia does not experience a food deficit amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

"So the food deficit, thank God, we can pass it, of course we are grateful. At the end of 2019 there was no thought that there would be a pandemic but we had a pretty good stock of rice, if I'm not mistaken, 2.1 million tons. which is our main asset, "he said.

He said, Bulog was inside to guarantee and maintain the farmer producer level. Thus, during this difficult period the price of food commodities, especially rice, is stable.

"Routinely every month there are targets that must be carried out by Bulog, and Bulog is closely monitoring the areas where prices are starting to have an upward trend, even though it is 0.01 percent. But we have to take good care so that our people's purchasing power for this rice is really good. absolutely guaranteed, "he explained.

Moreover, he said, 30 percent of the income of the middle to lower class people was actually spent on buying rice. Therefore, the government really maintains that the price of rice must be affordable and in sufficient quantities.