Can Coffee Help Make You Heavy? This Is An Expert View

JAKARTA - Coffee may play a role in increasing the body's metabolism and reducing a person's appetite, but this drink does not necessarily help lose weight.

Nutrient expert in Perth, Australia, Dr Shyamala Lebiramohan, as broadcast by LiveScience, reported by ANTARA, said that weight management is much more complex than sipping a cup of coffee and vanishing fat in the body.

Research shows caffeine can reduce appetite, which has the potential to cause a person to eat less calories. Still, even though coffee can slightly reduce the hormone hormone ghrelin, I'm not sure how significant the effect of depressing appetite is.

For example, a study in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition found drinking coffee before eating slightly lowers calorie intake. But the effect of appetite suppression did not last more than three to four hours.

One study at Obesity showed participants who were overweight consuming coffee reduced their calorie intake during their next meal. However, another experiment in the Appetite concluded that coffee does not affect the number of calories consumed by a person.

Experts do not fully understand the mechanism behind ghrelin's reduction but one small study in the Journal of American College of Nutrition announced surprising results. They found caffeineless coffee was more pressing appetite than caffeinated coffee. Even so, more research is needed to fully understand this.

Coffee intake accelerates metabolism, possibly due to its caffeine content. This increases fat burning through increased thermalgenesis (heat production) and neurotransmitter stimulation such as adrenaline," said, Lon Ben-Asher dietist.

A small 2017 experiment at Clinical Pysiology and Functional Imaging found a combination of coffee and sports to improve the fat breaking process. However, this research is on a small scale, so it still requires more research.

Researchers warn that people should not be tempted to drink excessive coffee because there are unwanted side effects, including anxiety and a strong heartbeat.