Jokowi Appointed As Minister Of Social Affairs, Risma: Matur Nuwun Residents Of Surabaya, I Am Still Arek Suroboyo

SURABAYA - President Joko Widodo appointed the Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini, as Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos). Risma will leave Surabaya City Hall and move to Jakarta

However, the first female mayor in the City of Heroes admits that she cannot forget Surabaya residents. For him, without the support of the entire community, development in the city of Surabaya could not progress rapidly as it is today until it is recognized worldwide.

"First, I thank the citizens of Surabaya, for 10 years with me to build the city of Surabaya. So that Surabaya is not only recognized in Indonesia but also in the world. Second, the data also proves that the citizens of Surabaya are more prosperous," said Risma in a written message.

Therefore, Risma again expressed her deepest gratitude to all residents of Surabaya. Because, for 10 years he has been given the mandate and trust as the Mayor of Surabaya.

"Therefore, I thank you very much for your trust, for 10 years the people of Surabaya have trusted me as the Mayor of Surabaya," he said.

The President of UCLG Aspac also did not forget to apologize to all residents of Surabaya if during his ten years as mayor there was something unhappy.

"I also apologize if for 10 years something was not pleasing, I beg your forgiveness," he said.

Although in the future he will no longer be the Mayor of Surabaya and will mostly live in Jakarta, Risma admits that she will never forget the citizens of Surabaya.

"I am still Arek Suroboyo, yes. So I will not forget the Surabaya people whom I really love," he concluded.