Mother's Day Celebration: Erick Thohir Wants BUMN To Be Led By Women

JAKARTA - State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Minister Erick Thohir encourages more women to become leaders or bosses in BUMN companies.

"The Ministry of BUMN encourages women to establish their existence as career women by forming BUMN Srikandi. With the existence of the BUMN Srikandi, it is hoped that there will be an increase in women's representation to improve gender equality in the BUMN environment," said Erick in the celebration of Mother's Day for all BUMN which was held online as quoted from Antara. , Tuesday 22 December.

The BUMN Minister expressed his appreciation to the great women who exercise superpowers as individuals who carry out multi-profession every day.

The role of mothers, he continued, is very strategic not only for himself but also for those around him. Apart from working, a mother must also be able to implement good communication at home, manage finances in a healthy manner, become a teacher, and ensure family nutrition to avoid the COVID-19 virus.

"I express my highest appreciation to mothers and prospective mothers who are very tough. Allah SWT created a tough creature called a woman who is vital for life," said Erick.

Chairman of the Indonesian Human Capital Forum (FHCI), Herdy Rosadi Harman, said that his party accommodates the aspirations of mothers in BUMN by forming BUMN Srikandi.

"We hope that this community can become an independent community, stand alone and before running, it needs to be declared first," Herdy said at the launch of the BUMN Srikandi.

Through this community forum, Herdy hopes that the role of women in BUMN will increase, especially those who carry out strategic positions in BUMN companies. His party is targeting at least 15 percent of the top leadership of BUMN companies to be held by women by 2021.

Multiple Role Challenges

President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, said that although the Minister of BUMN is targeting women leaders as much as 15 percent, that does not mean there is a red carpet for women.

"15 percent must be achieved with improved competence and knowledge," explained Nicke.

President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati. (Photo: Doc. Pertamina)

Nicke explains that as a neuroscience expert, the female brain is equipped with a vision for strategy and community development.

"We are born to be creatures that protect, give birth and raise. Wherever they play a role, this trait is shown. This is what differentiates us. Physically we have fighting power, empathy and responsibility. Something that a mother starts must be completed," explained Nicke.

However, working women are also not free from challenges, namely the dual role of a mother who is not only a worker but also a housewife.

Deputy President Director of Bank Mandiri, Alexandra Askandar, said that women have multiple roles which sometimes cause dilemmas, namely as workers and mothers.

"But besides that, there are also challenges that can hinder careers, namely unconscious bias in which there is different treatment between women and men, the perception that is formed, violence in the workplace and others," explained Alexandra.

Therefore, she advised women to realize their position. If women are aware of their position, they will be mentally prepared and will learn to play multiple roles.

"Support from families is also very much needed. In addition, companies nowadays also make it easier for women to work by providing flexible time, childcare centers, to nursing rooms," explained Alexandra.