Ganjar Establishs 11 Service Centers So That Central Java MSMEs Can Upgrade To Class

JAKARTA - The KUMKM Integrated Business Service Center in Tuntang, Semarang Regency was inaugurated by Vice President Ma'ruf Amin. This means that Central Java now has 11 PLUT KUMKM.

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said the existence of the PLUT helped MSME actors to be more advanced and develop. Through PLUT, he believes micro small businesses can learn a lot.

The existence of the KUMKM PLUT has also been replicated in Central Java. Currently Central Java has three special co-working spaces for MSME players and startup entrepreneurs.

"We are trying to translate and imitate Pak Teten, what is there, and we are making some kind of co-working space in Central Java, so small businesses, startups, micro, can all learn," said Ganjar, Wednesday, December 28.

The governor hopes that with the existence of PLUT and supported by co-working space, MSMEs in Central Java can advance to class, and foster the spirit of entrepreneurship from the community.

"So if we want to make microsmall businesses to advance to class, PLUT, the co-working space we have, it will actually increase the existing small and micro businesses," he said.

Ganjar said that currently there are around 4.2 million business sector units. The details are micro-enterprises occupying the largest portion, namely 90.48 percent or the equivalent of 3.37 million units. The small business is 8.5 percent or 354,884 units. Then the medium-sized businesses recorded 39,125 units or about 0.94 percent.

"With this PLUT, we hope that friends who startups, small businesses, micro, can come to this place more to provide facilities, questions, or collaboration. So we must be able to measure, so that later they can get training to be able to advance to class," he said.

Vice President KH Maruf Amin said that the presence of this integrated service is expected to be an accelerator for MSMEs that have been helping to drive the economy in their respective regions.

"So I hope that MSMEs will not be stunted again, will not continue to be stunted, but will continue to develop and become a big company again," he said.

The vice president said the government has a target in 2024, Indonesia's entrepreneurship ratio will reach 3.95 percent. In addition, financial access also reaches 90 percent, and has 30 million MSMEs going digital.

"I urge you to make the best use of the existence of this PLUT, so that MSMEs can continue to contribute positively to advancing the regional and national economy," said Ma ruf.

For information, eleven PLUTs in Central Java include the provincial government's PLUT in Purwokerto, then Cilacap, Purbalingga, Kebumen, Sukoharjo, Surakarta City, Magelang Regency, Kendal, Pekalongan, Semarang, and Purworejo.