Denny Indrayana Brings 117 Evidence Of South Kalimantan Regional Election Fraud, Including COVID-19 Staple Food To The Constitutional Court

JAKARTA - The candidate for Governor of South Kalimantan, Denny Indrayana, brought as many as 117 evidence of fraud or violations committed by other pairs of candidates in holding the election for the Governor and Deputy Governor of South Kalimantan to the Constitutional Court.

"Until when we submitted our petition to the Constitutional Court, the evidence we submitted to the Court was 177," said Denny Indrayana as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 22.

According to him, this evidence can increase along with the revision of the petition until the trial is held.

The evidence submitted together with the registration of a request for dispute over the results of the South Kalimantan Pilgub, includes letters, videos, and recordings of talks which are considered to prove allegations of fraud and violations in the regional elections.

Next, minutes and groceries with the writing of COVID-19 donations with posters that are similar to other candidate pairs.

"This shows that we are very serious about maintaining the principles of direct, general, secret-free, honest and fair regional elections in South Kalimantan, which are injured by various frauds and we will prove it in the Constitutional Court," said Denny Indrayana.

Previously, the General Election Commission (KPU) of South Kalimantan Province determined that the winning candidate pair number 01 Sahbirin Noor and Muhidin won as many as 8,127 votes from candidate pairs 02 Denny Indrayana and Difriadi Derajat.

The KPU determined that the total votes acquired by the Sahbirin-Muhidin pair that were carried out by the Golkar, PAN, PDIP, NasDem, PKS, PKB, and supported by PSI, PKPI and Perindo was 851,822 votes or 50.24 percent.

Meanwhile, the total votes acquired by the Denny-Difri pair carried out by the Gerindra, Democrat and PPP parties were 843,695 votes or 49.76 percent.