Bored With The School Situation, This 12 Year Old Kid Has A Massive Party In The Toilet

JAKARTA - The boring school situation made a 12 year old student throw a massive party at his school.

This incident was carried out by Cael Bell, a boy from Manchester who threw a party for 30 minutes during a break in his school toilet. Then the action was discovered by the school St. Antony's Catholic College.

Before carrying out the stunt, Cael Bell spread an advertisement through Snapchat social media the week before. Those attending the event were promised Cadbury Twirl meals and Lucozade drinks.

Bell managed to smuggle in discjokey (DJ) equipment such as lights and speakers to complete his performance. But when it was discovered, all the equipment was confiscated by the school.

Launching The Mirror today, Tuesday, December 22, Bell's parents even laughed when they got a call from the school.

“It's been a bad year and I can't get angry when my son tries to spread the joy. When I got the call, it made sense. Cael (Bell) is getting ready to go to school early. "He looks smiling and I know he has something," said Louise Bell, Cael Bell's parent.

Louise Bell's smile grew brighter when she heard why her son Cael had a party at school. "Cael told us school was very boring and there was nothing to do during lunch hour."

According to Cael's parents, their child is passionate about music, so they don't need to worry too much.

The mother posted a photo of Cael Bell after returning from school and the post has been liked more than 37,000 times on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

“We are proud to see our son bring smiles to many people after such a difficult year. If you can't laugh, then something is wrong. " What nonsense Cael Bell.