The Trial Of Brigadier J's Murder Is Still Ongoing, KY Should Not Process The Strong Report Ma'ruf On Judges

The legal advisory team for the defendant Strong Ma'ruf reported Judge Wahyu Iman Santoso to the Judicial Commission (KY) regarding the alleged violation of the code of ethics. However, the report has not yet been completed.

KY explained the reason why his party had not been able to complete the report from the team of attorneys for the defendant in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier J.

"According to the Law on Judicial Power and the KY Law, we are not allowed to examine the judges," said KY Chairman Mukti Fajar Nur Dewata in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 28, as reported by Antara.

However, KY can still do other things but is not allowed to examine Judge Wahyu Imam Santoso because the case is currently still ongoing at the South Jakarta District Court.

"There are indeed limited procedures," he said.

Currently, said Mukti Fajar, the report submitted by Ma'ruf's strong attorney is still in the verification stage.

He explained that if KY continued to examine Judge Wahyu Iman Santoso, it could be considered or judged as a form of intervention against judges who are currently still in the process of finding or digging up facts at trial.

KY ensured that he did not want the report process against the South Jakarta District Court Judge to be considered by the public as a form of intervention in judicial power. Therefore, KY is still waiting until the judicial process is complete and has just followed up on the report of the strong legal team, Ma'ruf.

Previously, the legal team of defendants, Strong Ma'ruf, reported Judge Wahyu Iman Santoso to KY in early December 2022. The report was filed by the Strong Ma'ruf because he considered that there were indications or alleged violations of the code of ethics.